@HeptaSean I am interested to hear all ideas including from people who might disagree with me. I am just one individual with my own views and biases. That is the beauty of Cardano, we all have a voice and can collectively decide, except when community consensus gets trodden on by a centralised force for dubious reasons.
Note: I am not trying to bring CF down or make their actions sound as scandalous as possible. I want CF to be strong but to act in the best interests of the Cardano community. (Yes I said it, and I acknowledge the technical argument about duty to the protocol, but the protocol has no interests, and is nothing without the community.)
To be clear, I have never asked CF to support my pool and I won’t ask either. Having said that I didn’t take issue with CF’s previous staking strategy which was directed at improving decentralisation. Under that policy they only staked with single pool operators. This goal at least was consistent with the policy objectives of the Ouroboros staking mechanism design.
However, CF subsequently changed their staking strategy to be aimed at supporting the architects of the future.
I argue that CF should not seek to override community consensus of block production through the staking mechanism for the purpose of donating rewards to chosen architects, because:
- They have not explained any deficiency in pool stake distribution their actions are trying to correct for decentralisation benefits.
- They are acting to alter the community consensus over which pools get to make blocks. Such action is a display of centralised force. I contend that this action is not consistent with discharging their duty to advance the “Cardano protocol”, since Cardano was founded on the principle of decentralisation. Their actions are undermining the decentralised ethos and this is contributing to a community feeling that CF has undue influence over block production. (And, see point 1: They have not articulated any deficiency of decentralised block production their actions are addressing.)
- There are better ways to donate rewards to architects or tool builders which don’t involve unnecessarily overriding community consensus. Eg. Setting up a fund and paying some of their rewards directly to architects for the work they want to incentivise.