Cnode.service reboots avery 24 hours

Hello guys
Has anyone experienced that before? cnode services reboots every 24 hours on all relays. Please let me know if that is a known issue or specific settings I can control. relays behave like that since day one. If that’s a setting also please share best practice based on your experience. please see journalctl print screen attached. Thank you in advance.


It’s not an issue; the topology updater do this

Read this

systemd service
The script can be deployed as a background service in different ways but the recommended and easiest way if was used, is to utilize the script to setup and schedule the execution. This will deploy both push & fetch service files as well as timers for a scheduled 60 min node alive message and cnode restart at the user set interval when running the deploy script.

  • cnode-tu-push.service : pushes a node alive message to Topology Updater API
  • cnode-tu-push.timer : schedules the push service to execute once every hour
  • cnode-tu-fetch.service : fetches a fresh topology file before cnode.service file is started/restarted
  • cnode-tu-restart.service : handles the restart of cardano-node(
  • cnode-tu-restart.timer : schedules the cardano-node restart service, default every 24h


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@Alexd1985 Hey Alex, thanks for sharing that, now it makes sense. Do you normally reboot service and how often ?

Once/12 hours, but not all at the same time and only the relays


@Alexd1985 Yes, makes perfects sense, thank you.