1.35.0 testnet error

WARN: failed to query protocol parameters, ensure your node is running with correct genesis (the node needs to be in sync to 1 epoch after the hardfork)

Error message:
cardano-cli: DecoderFailure (LocalStateQuery HardForkBlock (‘: * ByronBlock (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra StandardCrypto)) (‘: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Allegra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Mary StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (AlonzoEra StandardCrypto)) (’ *)))))) Query (BlockQuery (HardForkBlock (‘: * ByronBlock (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyEra StandardCrypto)) (‘: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Allegra StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (ShelleyMAEra ‘Mary StandardCrypto)) (’: * (ShelleyBlock (AlonzoEra StandardCrypto)) (’ *))))))))) ServerAgency TokQuerying BlockQuery (QueryHardFork GetCurrentEra)) (DeserialiseFailure 3 “EraIndex: invalid index 5”)

INFO: re-run CNTools in offline mode with -o parameter if you want to access CNTools with limited functionality

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problem solved thanks to @pgwad

I was running the wrong cardano-cli binary was 1.34.1 version
while at same time running cardano-node 1.35.0 version oops
once I updated cardano-cli to 1.35.0 to match works perfectly!

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