Compelling Coffee Blockchain Use Case

I’m visiting my in-laws in South Carolina. My wife and I visited a new coffee shop in Rock Hill, South Carolina and I was flabbergast to discover that they were using blockchain to track their roasting details down to bag-level.

This use case is very similar and reminded me of the Cardano New Balance product.

Rock Hill, South Carolina on a cold Sunday night was the last place I suspected to see blockchain in-action in a compelling way. Attached is a picture of the QR code on the bag that has specifics to the roasting process.

Surprised I never saw this in the blockchain media, but excited to find a holiday for my friends that I’m trying to explain blockchain.


Interesting!! But I did not understand how this will prevent counterfeiting? I just scanned the photo and one can simply print this and stick it to any other coffee.

What platform they using?

Dragon Chain.
So New Balance is not a pioneer project in blockchain against counterfeit… :slight_smile:

Anyway it is good to see blockchain in our life

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