My experiences include creating a Blog website project about virtual reading books. Started working with Python, Java, JavaScript from HarvardX - CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science, it’s when I started to get interested in cryptocurrency, I got involved in Fund 8 Cross-Chain Collaboration, educational resources, webinars, hackathons and innovation projects.
Do you have, at least 6 months, or more experience in Project Catalyst?
Yes, I have since Fund 8
Describe the Community Roles in which you have participated at Project Catalyst (e.g. Voter, Proposer, PA, vPA, Challenge Team, etc.)
Fund 9 - Multiple challenges, including Products & Integrations
Fund 8 - Multiple challenges, including Developers Ecosystem
What key ideas or issues would you like to champion as a representative at the Catalyst Circle?
Key-words related to what is learned.
How do you intend to measure your engagement?
I intend to measure the engagement with activity, recording, frequency, outcome, evidence of delivery.
Is there anything else you would like voters to know as to why you would be a good fit for this seat on the Circle?
I have participated at Consensus 2022 in Austin, Texas representing Cardano.