Daedalus ignores my settings and store files where they don't belong

I run the Windows installer and choose an install location on a special disk for this purposes.
But Daedalus client is programmed to ignore my settings.
Instead it make folders on another harddrive and start to store 20GB on my expensive C:\ SSD that are for other purposes than storing a blockchain.

There is no setting anywhere that I have found to change this,
I dislike it and get annoyed when programs are not configurable and make their own decisions that are causing problems.
Also I cannot change what port to use and such simple things. There is no settings in this client.

Why is there not a portable version of this client and a config file for all settings?
It feels like I as a user have no control of what this client does on my system.

The only other alternative I have found so far is a web browser wallet and that is a massive security problem so it’s not an alternative.

This really threw me back and I lost a lot of interest in using ADA right now if this is what I have to deal with.

This is a problem for Cardanos growth imo because I’m sure I’m not the only one that have problems with this. The first experience is the most important.

Why do you think there are massiv security problems? The keys are encrypted when they are stored somewhere in your browser.

There are plenty of users using browser extensions or wallets directly in a website like adalite where you dont have to download anything.

As long as you are using a clean and safe device (your computer) all those wallets are safe.

Web browsers is one of the most popular attack vectors and they are riddled with even more attack vectors by third party software like all kinds of addons.

Using the web browser as a base for a wallet is dangerous imo.

And using a third party website to store your wallet is even worse. MT.GOX and countless of others have ruined people that thought it was a good idea.

As it’s the official recommended wallet I think it actually hurt Cardanos growth badly. There is not a single setting in this 300mb monstrosity.

How are Cardano going to grow into a big decentralized system when this is the main wallet people have to use? I don’t see it happening.

Yoroi is also an offical wallet which is developed by Emurgo.

I do agree with you that browsers are a very common attack vector but if you are using a hardware wallet it doesnt really matter.

I was wrong, it’s actually a 965 megabyte wallet, without the 20gb data for blockchain and more…

I’m not even kidding! It’s a clean install as well.
BTC official wallet is 30 Megabyte and have more features.

I just took a look at the source code and of course this dumpsterfire is built on JavaScript of all things possible.
Jesus christ

I had so much hope for Cardano but I have seen enough of it now. I’m selling.
There is no way this can seriously compete with anything.

Yes, Daedalus is quite huge. That’s because all dependencies are bundled as a large Nix-OS-installation. Avoids dependency hell, but makes the required space quite large.

It’s only the interface that is written in Javascript. The backend is still a full node written in Haskell. Don’t see any problem with that choice of languages.

But yes, having a dedicated non-browser client that does not store the full chain, but also does not rely on third-party web services would be a good thing. A plus would be if it (at least optionally) does not store credentials on-disk, but requires the seed to be put in every time it is needed. It’s only that someone has to write it.

Regarding the security problems of browser solutions, there are too many people in these forums who get bitten, although I cannot see very obvious errors they have done. I cannot really say with sufficient certainty that it is safe.

Yes, with hardware wallets, it should be very, very safe. But we cannot really demand everyone to buy one and if we want that, then the “official” wallets Daedalus and Yoroi should also say that and not claim that software wallets are safe enough.

to be fair here, the software IS safe and secure. The problem are in every case the people who are using those softwares. Mostly its not even directly their own fault but if you are using such software on a infected device, even the most secure software wont help you.

Judging by the number of people claiming they got hacked on “brand new”, freshly installed devices, malware has to be a much, much bigger problem than I would have thought.

Might, of course, also be that a significant portion of these, did not get hacked on that brand new device, but totally forgot that they also had credentials for the wallet on one or more other devices.

There is always a plausible explanation as to how someone was stolen from.

But most of the victims forget to mention some important details, as they dont think this could be the reason or an attack vector. There are so many examples how you could loose your funds in this space and its so easy to steal someones funds if he has no idea whats hes doing right now.

I have a hard time judging “no idea what they are doing”. For example, this thread:

There are at least two people for whom I cannot easily say, where their error really was.

Yeah im sorry for that, obviously this doesnt mean everyone has no idea, but mostly there is something they didnt think about and thats mostly he missing part to solve the whole scenario.

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It seems there’s a solution. I haven’t tried it yet as the wallet hasn’t been synchronised. The idea is to use the mklink command . It will create the illusion that the path where the blockchain resodes is still there when, in fact, it’s elsewhere. I will move it to a usb drive.

A normal shortcut will likely not work since it is in fact a file with a .lnk extension.