Daedalus Wallet on Linux Launches and Syncs, Then No Further Actions Available

I downloaded the Linux wallet beta, .deb file and installed it. I have launched the resulting Daedalus wallet ( Basic gui launches, and successfully syncs 100%, but there are no further window interactions, i.e. “create new wallet”, etc., primary menu, “About” etc. is responsive, yet no wallet interaction steps appear to be available.

This is on Ubuntu 16.04.4


I’m using the same system and am a bit confused, as I didn’t find any .deb package for Daedalus … Where did you get it from?

I used the steps described here and it worked:

Yes, you are right about that, “.bin” file I had meant to say, not, “.deb” file (habit) :wink:.

Apologies for the confusion.

I had, a few months ago, tried to install via some Github instructions before this beta release, which also, did not work for me.

I wonder though if the various nix additions and manipulations I made to my system then, may, somehow, be hindering my current effort?

At any rate, I appreciate your taking the time to respond.


You’re very welcome…

In fact I also tried the GitHub procedure before the beta and I also have bits and pieces of Nix lying around…

The least we can say is that this Beta release is a mess in terms of installation even though it works (for me…).
Just to make sure, are you sure you don’t hit a FS full limit at some time?

I think you’re suggesting “file system full”? If so, I don’t think so, my system complains pretty verbosely about low storage limits, and I don’t think I encountered that.

Also, I’ve tried several times to re-execute the bin file, which reports that it’s, “fixing hashes”, but, no dice.

examining the created files from the install, many of them report to be broken sym-links. Any thoughts on that?

I agree, re: release “quality”, maybe, an “alpha” release actually? :wink:

Thanks again; it’s lonely out here on the, “Daedalus Linux Front” :man_shrugging:t4:

The Linux wallet was not released long time ago and if the install process is that touchy it’s not a surprise to see few Linux users here (in fact I waited before I had a wallet running before doing anything with ADA … And I only have Linux …).

Could you try to run the Daedalus from command line? Maybe you’ll get useful information from the output … If it’s installed in the same silly location, you’ll just need to run ~/bin/daedalus in a console … Don’t hesitate to post the output here if you think it can help…

Also, did you install as root (not suitable)? And same question for the GitHub try you did earlier…

In the GitHub procedure I found, they installed as root and I adapted the commands to do it as a regular user… Might be you have permissions issues somewhere…

There’s much more Linux discussion in Developers than here in CTS.

Ahhh, thank you very much, I will have a look there as well.


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Here is the terminal output when I launch Daedalus:

[=] ./daedalus 
+ cd /home/promet/.daedalus/
+ mkdir -p etc
+ cat /etc/hosts
+ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
+ cat /etc/machine-id
+ cat /etc/resolv.conf
+ exec ./nix/store/4xbn31l2fr95vp9z7g7ayxzy19ywcpnd-nix-user-chroot-2c52b5f/bin/nix-user-chroot -n ./nix -c -m /home:/home -m /etc:/host-etc -m etc:/etc -p DISPLAY -p HOME -p XAUTHORITY -- /nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin/enter-phase2 daedalus
+ export PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin
+ PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin
+ export 'PS1=\[\033]2;\h:\u:\w\007\]\n\[\033[1;32m\][\u@\h:\w] (namespaced) \$\[\033[0m\] '
+ PS1='\[\033]2;\h:\u:\w\007\]\n\[\033[1;32m\][\u@\h:\w] (namespaced) \$\[\033[0m\] '
+ ln -svf /nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin/ /bin
'/bin' -> '/nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin/'
+ ln -svf /nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/protocols /etc/protocols
'/etc/protocols' -> '/nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/protocols'
+ ln -svf /nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/services /etc/services
'/etc/services' -> '/nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/services'
+ '[' -z daedalus ']'
+ exec daedalus
+ test -z ''
+ XDG_DATA_HOME=/home/promet/.local/share
+ export CLUSTER=mainnet
+ CLUSTER=mainnet
+ export DAEDALUS_DIR=/home/promet/.local/share/Daedalus
+ DAEDALUS_DIR=/home/promet/.local/share/Daedalus
+ mkdir -p /home/promet/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/Logs/pub /home/promet/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/Secrets
+ cd /home/promet/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/
+ '[' '!' -d tls ']'
+ exec /nix/store/zq7ncgqgq9ch1wrcfl1z53v5gqvkn7hs-cardano-daedalus-bridge/bin/cardano-launcher --config /nix/store/fxjjn1pnpsvbmvxhgx9i3v3xf9gwdk9c-launcher-config.json
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-08 06:10:15.36 UTC] using configurations: ConfigurationOptions {cfoFilePath = "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/configuration.yaml", cfoKey = "mainnet_wallet_macos64", cfoSystemStart = Nothing, cfoSeed = Nothing}
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC] LAUNCHER STARTED
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC] Running in the client scenario
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC] Starting the node
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC]     /nix/store/zq7ncgqgq9ch1wrcfl1z53v5gqvkn7hs-cardano-daedalus-bridge/bin/cardano-node "--report-server" "http://report-server.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io:8080" "--db-path" "DB/" "--configuration-file" "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/configuration.yaml" "--configuration-key" "mainnet_wallet_macos64" "--keyfile" "Secrets/secret.key" "--wallet-db-path" "Wallet/" "--no-ntp" "--tlscert" "tls/server/server.crt" "--tlskey" "tls/server/server.key" "--tlsca" "tls/ca/ca.crt" "--topology" "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/topology.yaml" "--wallet-address" "" "--logs-prefix" "Logs" "--log-config" "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/daedalus.yaml"
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC] Node has started
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC] Starting the wallet
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-08 06:10:16.41 UTC] Waiting for wallet or node to finish...

This is where is, “stops”, obviously, “Waiting for wallet or node to finish”, after finishing syncing 100%.

Note that the interface window, “About”, “Reload”, menus etc. are working, so not, “frozen”, but merely not progressing to the wallet creation dialogue.


I am having the same issue as @promet.

[robert ~][0]$ daedalus
+ cd /home/robert/.daedalus/
+ mkdir -p etc
+ cat /etc/hosts
+ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf
+ cat /etc/machine-id
+ cat /etc/resolv.conf
+ exec ./nix/store/4xbn31l2fr95vp9z7g7ayxzy19ywcpnd-nix-user-chroot-2c52b5f/bin/nix-user-chroot -n ./nix -c -m /home:/home -m /etc:/host-etc -m etc:/etc -p DISPLAY -p HOME -p XAUTHORITY -- /nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin/enter-phase2 daedalus
+ export PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin
+ PATH=/nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin
+ export 'PS1=\[\033]2;\h:\u:\w\007\]\n\[\033[1;32m\][\u@\h:\w] (namespaced) \$\[\033[0m\] '
+ PS1='\[\033]2;\h:\u:\w\007\]\n\[\033[1;32m\][\u@\h:\w] (namespaced) \$\[\033[0m\] '
+ ln -svf /nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin/ /bin
'/bin' -> '/nix/var/nix/profiles/profile/bin/'
+ ln -svf /nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/protocols /etc/protocols
'/etc/protocols' -> '/nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/protocols'
+ ln -svf /nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/services /etc/services
'/etc/services' -> '/nix/store/s4ns0y7nnqvjyzy0n99chbml2n6xvzl7-iana-etc-20180108/etc/services'
+ '[' -z daedalus ']'
+ exec daedalus
+ test -z ''
+ XDG_DATA_HOME=/home/robert/.local/share
+ export CLUSTER=mainnet
+ CLUSTER=mainnet
+ export DAEDALUS_DIR=/home/robert/.local/share/Daedalus
+ DAEDALUS_DIR=/home/robert/.local/share/Daedalus
+ mkdir -p /home/robert/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/Logs/pub /home/robert/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/Secrets
+ cd /home/robert/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/
+ '[' '!' -d tls ']'
+ exec /nix/store/zq7ncgqgq9ch1wrcfl1z53v5gqvkn7hs-cardano-daedalus-bridge/bin/cardano-launcher --config /nix/store/fxjjn1pnpsvbmvxhgx9i3v3xf9gwdk9c-launcher-config.json
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-20 14:41:34.85 UTC] using configurations: ConfigurationOptions {cfoFilePath = "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/configuration.yaml", cfoKey = "mainnet_wallet_macos64", cfoSystemStart = Nothing, cfoSeed = Nothing}
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.54 UTC] LAUNCHER STARTED
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.54 UTC] Running in the client scenario
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.54 UTC] Starting the node
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.54 UTC]     /nix/store/zq7ncgqgq9ch1wrcfl1z53v5gqvkn7hs-cardano-daedalus-bridge/bin/cardano-node "--report-server" "http://report-server.cardano-mainnet.iohk.io:8080" "--db-path" "DB/" "--configuration-file" "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/configuration.yaml" "--configuration-key" "mainnet_wallet_macos64" "--keyfile" "Secrets/secret.key" "--wallet-db-path" "Wallet/" "--no-ntp" "--tlscert" "tls/server/server.crt" "--tlskey" "tls/server/server.key" "--tlsca" "tls/ca/ca.crt" "--topology" "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/topology.yaml" "--wallet-address" "" "--logs-prefix" "Logs" "--log-config" "/nix/store/0ymifdha2f4pi72fnk7sd2ifxf6b5kkv-cardano-config/daedalus.yaml"
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.55 UTC] Node has started
[launcher:NOTICE] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.55 UTC] Starting the wallet
[launcher:INFO] [2018-06-20 14:41:35.55 UTC] Waiting for wallet or node to finish...

The one additional piece of debugging info I can give you is that it is doing a bit of processing now and again while we’re waiting. So it’s possible I just haven’t waited long enough…?

Finally, it’s worth noting that I like to have a symlink for my ~/.local directory to offload that to a different partition than /home, and Daedalus (both the install script and the “daedalus” command itself) explodes trying to do a mkdir -p ~/.local/some/rest/of/the/path complaining that ~/.local already exists (which strikes me as odd behavior for mkdir -p). I tried to find out where exactly that call was in the bash script, but couldn’t quite figure it out – my guess is that you check for the directory to exist as -d, though, and it’s returning false for a symlink.

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Is there anyone who had been having trouble with this who has made any progress or, perhaps, has anything new to report?

I have tried various combinations of re-installation/directory manipulation, but, no dice…:hammer_and_wrench:
