Delegation Analysis for Epoch 222

Epoch 222 (07 October - 12 October) network parameters:

k d Total stake Registered pools
150 0.6 16.37B ₳ 1095

The stake snapshot for epoch 222 occurred on Friday 02 October. The total staked ADA increased by 0.98% since the last epoch, up to 51.51%. We saw an increase in the number of active pools this epoch - up 6 pools to 1095. The minimum stake required in order to expect to make a block decreased slightly to 1.89M ₳, leaving 68% of pools below this threshold. The number of pools falling into the 0-slot bin decreased by 7 pools this epoch.


748 / 1095 pools fall into the 0-slot bin


This plot omits the pools in the 0-slot bins


This plot shows lifetime ROS vs pool size

To see the post for the current epoch, 221, see our post here.

For more information about the concepts and math behind this and past analyses (e.g. the meaning of k and d), as well as the full table that this chart was generated from, see our full post here.

Please also see our recent post showing how fees are taken out of stake pool block rewards here.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Delegation Analysis for Epoch