Drep registration?

hello dear ada gang,
drep question:
who do i register for it and where do it?
can you register in your wallet?
if it is outside your wallet is it save?
must i use phrase or spending password for it?? without this you can not spend your rewards right??
thank u

Which dRep best represents you is your decision. You can look at DRep Introductions and Updates - Cardano Forum, you can browse https://gov.tools/drep_directory, https://www.1694.io/en/dreps/list, or https://tempo.vote/dreps. A lot of dReps also advertise their ID on their social media channels, profiles, websites, …

Or you decide that you can’t be bothered and delegate to Abstain.

Or you decide that this all is totally wrong and delegate to No-Confidence (this is “No” to everything, “Yes” only to “no confidence” votes, it will also vote against any protocol parameter changes, against all protocol upgrades/hard forks, …).

Or you decide that you want to vote yourself and become a dRep for yourself. This requires a deposit of 500 ADA on registration.

Some wallet apps allow to delegate and/or register in their user interface, Eternl and Daedalus among them. You’ll need the dRep ID for that.

All of the above – gov.tools, 1694.io, tempo.vote – allow to connect your wallet (if you have a dApp-capable wallet app) and delegate directly from the page of the dRep you want to delegate to.

As with all dApps, your wallet app will present you the transaction and ask you if you want to sign it. If you check that, it’s reasonably safe.

Never give your seed phrase anywhere except in the wallet app of your choice – not even there if you use a hardware wallet.

Your spending password is only local to one specific instance of one specific wallet app. It has no meaning outside of it, is not known to the chain in any way. But don’t give it away, anyway, knowing it could make the job easier for bad guys getting hold of your encrypted keys from your wallet app.

Yes, that’s a rule baked into Cardano now. Some wallet apps have implemented that they will automatically delegate to Abstain to reduce the pain for their users.


thank u hepta sir,
wich are the automatic wallets that abstain your vote if you dont do anything? etrnl,daedalus,yoroi,lace…?

I have seen Eternl and Daedalus automatically delegating to Abstain when newly delegating to a stake pool. Don’t know if any also do it automatically for old delegations or if they just say: “You have to delegate!”