[Eastern Catalyst School โ€“ Indonesia] Workshop #4: How to Become a Proposal Assessor - Recap

:bulb: Purpose of this event:

  • Introduction about Project Catalyst for Indonesian community
  • Share knowledge on how to assess proposal in Catalyst Fund 9

:speaker: Host & Speakers:

:family_man_woman_girl_boy: Total breakout room participants: 25 attendees
:loudspeaker: Meetup Link

:video_camera: Video recording can be watched in Cardano Eastern Town Hall YouTube Channel, see below:

:arrow_forward: Dari A ke Z tentang jadi Proposal Assessor dan kompensasinya

:camera_flash: Documentations


The event duration is 2 hours. The workshop was held in Eastern Town Hall Indonesian breakout room via Zoom. It was divided into two sessions. The first session by @zicozibu was covering about โ€œCatalyst Update & All about PAโ€™s and their compensationโ€, while the second session by @syarbel was covering about โ€œHow to assess, PA Tools, Tips & Trick also Live Hands-on: How PAโ€™s workโ€ based on his experience as Proposal Assessor.

The enthusiasm of the participants was very high, and many questions were asked by the participants in the question and answer session. Weโ€™ve also given rewards for the best question asked by participants. We gave IDR 200,000 in ADA to each of the 5 participants who wins the best question for this workshop.

We covered these topics during the workshop:

  • Catalyst Fund 9 Update
  • Explanation about PAs and How to register
  • PAs compensation
  • Q&A for 1st session
  • How to assess (Pragmatic Steps)
  • PA tools
  • Tips & Trick based on experienced
  • Live Hands-On
  • Q&A for 2nd session

Itโ€™s been a great event that attracts more people to learn more about Catalyst. :partying_face:


Revised, plus added Meetup link for the workshop.