EMURGO Meetup Recap: Blockchain x Gaming Use Cases

EMURGO, the official commercial and venture arm of Cardano - the first third-generation blockchain to evolve out of a scientific philosophy - hosted its first meetup on the potential use cases for blockchain & gaming at its Tokyo office on November 19th, 2019!

Leveraging EMURGO’s partnership with Korean gaming association KBCCA & KMGA (Korea Blockchain Contents Association/Korean Mobile Gaming Association) and our network of industry partners, EMURGO was excited to bring together five gaming enterprises: YarukimanTokkys, Platinum Egg, ONBUFF, ANIVERSE, Mashioba, and KBCCA & KMGA for the local meetup.

This meetup offered a great opportunity for the local blockchain community to meet & listen to influential gaming enterprises in Japan & Korea on their perspectives on blockchain implementation into the gaming industry. Through EMURGO’s advisory services, EMURGO is helping these companies utilize blockchain-based services for their digitally-based businesses. As online gaming is an area where users are very accustomed to digital services & virtual assets, the usage of blockchain technology to tokenize game-related aspects, provide better security for important data, and so on, holds much potential. EMURGO;s objective is to lay the groundwork for the future by exploring mutually favorable opportunities for industries and businesses that show aligned synergies with Cardano’s third-generation blockchain solutions.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the company profiles to learn about them!


Speaker: CEO Itagaki Mamoru

YarukimanTokkys is a local Japanese gaming development company providing creative added services and value to digital games. In addition, they have partnered together with a known Japanese professional e-sports team TEAM iXA to help boost the gaming industry through added support. Through blockchain technology, they digitally tokenized the popular e-sports players through a local social media platform and offered these tokens to their fan base. YarukimanTokkys also provides other gaming-related services to consumers and companies.

Formerly, CEO Itagaki was a board member of another local gaming company, Ponos. One of their best-selling games is にゃんこ大戦争 Nyanko Daisensou(BattleCats). Due to his influence, CEO Itagaki has been well-covered in local gaming media outlets.

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Is the blockchain gaming on cardano even a thing? Its crazy how many other blockchains started and cardano is still in the same place. I guess it will not move in this direction ever.

I believe we are still behind compared to other chains. But there are some very promising cases with games such as Cornucopias for example. To be honest, I prefer quality over quantity, and Cornucopias in this respect is a very well designed game.

Why are you resurrecting five year old threads?

Is anything wrong with that? Why should I create new one if it’s the same topic…