Hello all,
I did an upgrade to Node 9.0.0. from Node 8.9.2 for my Relay1. However, after the upgrade, when i tried to start my cardano-node, i got this error. From the error, it looks like key "minFeeRefScriptCostPerByte" was not found in Conway-genesis.json file but I am not sure. Could anyone help me with this? Thank you so much!
Jul 10 00:27:27 relay1 systemd[1]: cardano-node.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 235.
Jul 10 00:27:27 relay1 systemd[1]: Stopped Cardano Node Service.
Jul 10 00:27:27 relay1 systemd[1]: Started Cardano Node Service.
Jul 10 00:27:28 relay1 cardano-node[3813]: Node configuration: NodeConfiguration {ncSocketConfig = SocketConfig {ncNodeIPv4Addr = Last {getLast = Just}, ncNodeIPv6Addr = Last {getLast = Nothing}, ncNodePortNumber = Last {getLast = Just 6000}, ncSocketPath = Last {getLast = Just "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/db/socket"}}, ncConfigFile = "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/config.json", ncTopologyFile = "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/topology-legacy.json", ncDatabaseFile = "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/db", ncProtocolFiles = ProtocolFilepaths {byronCertFile = Nothing, byronKeyFile = Nothing, shelleyKESFile = Nothing, shelleyVRFFile = Nothing, shelleyCertFile = Nothing, shelleyBulkCredsFile = Nothing}, ncValidateDB = False, ncShutdownConfig = ShutdownConfig {scIPC = Nothing, scOnSyncLimit = Just NoShutdown}, ncStartAsNonProducingNode = False, ncProtocolConfig = NodeProtocolConfigurationCardano (NodeByronProtocolConfiguration {npcByronGenesisFile = "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/byron-genesis.json", npcByronGenesisFileHash = Just "5f20df933584822601f9e3f8c024eb5eb252fe8cefb24d1317dc3d432e940ebb", npcByronReqNetworkMagic = RequiresNoMagic, npcByronPbftSignatureThresh = Nothing, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionMajor = 3, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionMinor = 0, npcByronSupportedProtocolVersionAlt = 0}) (NodeShelleyProtocolConfiguration {npcShelleyGenesisFile = "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/shelley-genesis.json", npcShelleyGenesisFileHash = Just "1a3be38bcbb7911969283716ad7aa550250226b76a61fc51cc9a9a35d9276d81"}) (NodeAlonzoProtocolConfiguration {npcAlonzoGenesisFile = "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/alonzo-genesis.json", npcAlonzoGenesisFileHash = Just "7e94a15f55d1e82d10f09203fa1d40f8eede58fd8066542cf6566008068ed874"}) (NodeConwayProtocolConfiguration {npcConwayGenesisFile = Just "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/conway-genesis.json", npcConwayGenesisFileHash = Just "de609b281cb3d8ae91a9d63a00c87092975612d603aa54c0f1c6a781e33d6e1e"}) (NodeHardForkProtocolConfiguration {npcExperimentalHardForksEnabled = False, npcTestShelleyHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestShelleyHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestAllegraHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestAllegraHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestMaryHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestMaryHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestAlonzoHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestAlonzoHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestBabbageHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestBabbageHardForkAtVersion = Nothing, npcTestConwayHardForkAtEpoch = Nothing, npcTestConwayHardForkAtVersion = Nothing}), ncDiffusionMode = InitiatorAndResponderDiffusionMode, ncNumOfDiskSnapshots = DefaultNumOfDiskSnapshots, ncSnapshotInterval = DefaultSnapshotInterval, ncExperimentalProtocolsEnabled = False, ncMaxConcurrencyBulkSync = Nothing, ncMaxConcurrencyDeadline = Nothing, ncLoggingSwitch = True, ncLogMetrics = True, ncTraceConfig = TracingOnLegacy (TraceSelection {traceVerbosity = NormalVerbosity, traceAcceptPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceBlockFetchClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchDecisions = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchProtocolSerialised = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockFetchServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceBlockchainTime = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainDB = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceChainSyncBlockServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncHeaderServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceChainSyncProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceConnectionManager = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceConnectionManagerCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceConnectionManagerTransitions = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDebugPeerSelectionInitiatorTracer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDebugPeerSelectionInitiatorResponderTracer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDiffusionInitialization = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceDnsResolver = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceDnsSubscription = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceErrorPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceForge = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceForgeStateInfo = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceHandshake = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceInboundGovernor = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceInboundGovernorCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceInboundGovernorTransitions = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceIpSubscription = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceKeepAliveClient = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLedgerPeers = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalChainSyncProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalConnectionManager = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalErrorPolicy = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalHandshake = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalInboundGovernor = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalMux = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalRootPeers = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalServer = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceLocalStateQueryProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxMonitorProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxSubmissionProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceLocalTxSubmissionServer = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceMempool = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceMux = OnOff {isOn = False}, tracePeerSelection = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePeerSelectionCounters = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePeerSelectionActions = OnOff {isOn = True}, tracePublicRootPeers = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceServer = OnOff {isOn = True}, traceTxInbound = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxOutbound = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxSubmissionProtocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceTxSubmission2Protocol = OnOff {isOn = False}, traceGsm = OnOff {isOn = True}}), ncTraceForwardSocket = Nothing, ncMaybeMempoolCapacityOverride = Nothing, ncProtocolIdleTimeout = 5s, ncTimeWaitTimeout = 60s, ncChainSyncIdleTimeout = NoTimeoutOverride, ncAcceptedConnectionsLimit = AcceptedConnectionsLimit {acceptedConnectionsHardLimit = 512, acceptedConnectionsSoftLimit = 384, acceptedConnectionsDelay = 5s}, ncTargetNumberOfRootPeers = 60, ncTargetNumberOfKnownPeers = 100, ncTargetNumberOfEstablishedPeers = 50, ncTargetNumberOfActivePeers = 20, ncTargetNumberOfKnownBigLedgerPeers = 15, ncTargetNumberOfEstablishedBigLedgerPeers = 10, ncTargetNumberOfActiveBigLedgerPeers = 5, ncEnableP2P = DisabledP2PMode, ncPeerSharing = PeerSharingEnabled}
Jul 10 00:27:28 relay1 cardano-node[3813]: CardanoProtocolInstantiationError (CardanoProtocolInstantiationConwayGenesisReadError (GenesisDecodeError "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/conway-genesis.json" "Error in $: key \"minFeeRefScriptCostPerByte\" not found"))
Jul 10 00:27:28 relay1 cardano-node[3813]: cardano-node: Conway related : There was an error parsing the genesis file: "/home/capy/cardano-my-node/conway-genesis.json" Error: "Error in $: key \"minFeeRefScriptCostPerByte\" not found"
Jul 10 00:27:28 relay1 systemd[1]: cardano-node.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 10 00:27:28 relay1 systemd[1]: cardano-node.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.