Hello there,
I’ve just completed the step where I have created a .json file with my stake pool’s information on github.
I am trying to calculate the hash of my metadata file but am receiving this error:
"Error: Error validating stake pool metadata: Error in $: ‘,’ or ‘}’: Failed reading: satisfy:
Does anyone know what this error is indicating and what I need to solve this issue?
Thank you everyone for your time!
PS: I read through a thread with a similar question but I could not find the solution. Can not generate keys
Can u share the metadata link?
Why not all characters (“) are the same? It looks like the format is different for some of them
Try to rewrite them from the keyboard
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Great catch Alex, I’ll adjust and I’ll let you know if that caused this issue.
As always, you are the man! Thanks again @Alexd1985
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Hi there Alex,
I am getting the error below. Please help.
Check the poolMetaData.json file, can u share the output?
Thank you for the quick reply Alex.
Not sure if the share works, but here you are. https://github.com/onlycardano/MetaDataJson/blob/main/poolMetaData.json
replaced for you the character "
u copied from somewhere in a wrong format
Thank you Alex.
I tried the json and it still wouldn’t work.
It turns out that edditing a json file on a mac gets screwed up. I tired the process on an Ubuntu machine and it worked.
Please delegate to my pool when its built, ticker is going to be ONLYC.
Thank you.
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hi, can you please help me with my metadata. On a last step of creating pool I have this.
Metadata HASH Check, fetching the MetaData JSON file from https://urlr.me/6CnYm: Command failed: stake-pool metadata-hash Error: Error validating stake pool metadata: Stake pool metadata must consist of at most 512 bytes, but it consists of 157113 bytes.
I been trying to create stakepool before but had issues and now I understand that it plays a joke on me. Do you know how can I resolve it?
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the page doesn’t exist (URL invalid)
Should be something like this
Fixed it, but problem was not resolved
Metadata HASH Check, fetching the MetaData JSON file from PureVain/PureVain.pool.json at main · skilain/PureVain · GitHub Command failed: stake-pool metadata-hash Error: Error validating stake pool metadata: Stake pool metadata must consist of at most 512 bytes, but it consists of 161711 bytes.
(there is a short URL bit.ly/3L0oW6N)
ERROR (Code 1) !
I still don’t understand where are those 161711 bytes are coming from
The file is not correct
U have to many inputs there… did u see my metadata? Should be exactly like mine (ofcourse change the details)… then submit a new certificat but use raw url (the url should have a maximum of 64 characters)
Check my guide how to setup a pool (u will find the steps there)
Thank you, it worked. No I have different issue
Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW (WitHashes (fromList [KeyHash “29ccb925c27ab55c86090a05ccef6042c289290d467d5425a8df7148”])))),UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (UtxoFailure (ValueNotConservedUTxO (Value 1192000000 (fromList )) (Value 1692000000 (fromList ))))),DelegsFailure (DelplFailure (DelegFailure (StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG (KeyHashObj (KeyHash “b7283bd0f43b2223489a340da6ff5f1f631ea99827cd8eb134d39188”)))))])
ERROR (Code 1) !
I tryed to do all poor registration from begining and stumbled upon new problem
There are three errors here:
You have not signed with all keys that are required to sign the transaction.
The output of the transaction is 500 ADA too high. You probably have not substracted the pool deposit from the output.
The delegation is not possible. Have you registered the stake key?