Error when deregistration submit

I have problem when submit retire pool,

Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW (WitHashes (fromList [KeyHash “14124c77cc9a563891c2bb80ff3af2cb0b3ef152d5360d5b379858cc”]))))])

Previously, I upgrade from 1.29 to 1.3xx
node sync 100%

There is nothing related to the cardano-cli or cardano-node version. The transaction needs to be signed with 2 keys: the cold skey and the payment skey corresponding to the address where the UTxO used in this transaction is. One of them is missing (MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW).

Hi Georgem, thank you for your reply.
What Should I do if the cold skey and the payment skey replaced or missing?

If the payment key is missing, you lost all the funds at that address. But you can use any other address to submit the transaction to de-register the stake pool.
If you lost the cold key, you cannot retire the stake pool, so you cannot get back the 500 ADA deposit.

I was using a Yoroi wallet and connect to Stake Pool, I need 500 ADA deposit back. Is there any solution?

if not, what happen to my fund, if my server will inactive anymore?

Were you following some guide when setting up the pool, like Coincashew? (Yoroi wallet and delegating to a stake pool is not related to registering a new stake pool and depositing 500ADA)

As @georgem1976 mentioned try to find the keys you used for pool registration in order to be able to get the deposit back.

You won’t be able to retrieve the 500 deposit until you deregister the pool.

So basically you will need the node.vkey, node.skey to retire the pool, and the deposit will go to the pool’s rewards address, the one you used when constructing the pool certificate.

You will not need node.skey to retire the stake pool. You will need cold.skey to retire it.

yes, I was following some guide when setting up the pool on Coincashew.
I updated my key from back up and got new error

Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraAlonzo (ApplyTxError [DelegsFailure (DelplFailure (PoolFailure (StakePoolNotRegisteredOnKeyPOOL (KeyHash “50f2e39fd9a3072bfd60fd02521304887c0bb8110fb781cb3736a762”))))])

There is a problem with the stake pool, it seems to be unregistered. Did you recover the correct cold key from backup?

I think I get wrong back up cold key.
Hopefully, in near future, IOHK hardfork update for innactive pool on time range get automatic retired :cry: