Hey All!
I will try here to criticize constructively, this latest announcement from McCann.
I’m writing this reply as my own current opinion of course, but I think there are more than a few members of the community suspicious of our partnership with McCann, and I’ll try and explain here.
Not Understaning Decentralization and Community Ownership
What does that even mean “Cardano itself”? I’m not sure. It seems to insinuate Cardano belongs to CF (that’s what I would think if I didn’t know what Cardano is).
(I guess they are the custodians of the brand at the moment, but this is a temporary measure as understood by all, until governance is implemented with Voltaire.)
Very poor phrasing. Obviously they don’t have the mandate to “rebuild” all of these.
Again, very “centralized”, misleading phrasing. The community are not “CF’s partners”, we are “Cardano’s community” (Or maybe they just mean Emurgo and IOHK, that wouldn’t surprise me).
This line really shows the profound misunderstanding I see in this article -
Cardano’s brand and its identity cannot, and should not, be handed down from anyone. They most definitely should NOT “stay true” as “the product” “develops”.
They should perhaps “Maintain Cardano’s original values while evolving to best complement its users/citizens” (or something like that, I’m not a Copy guy, sorry).
Appropriating Credit (Arrongant)
I don’t know that they have really.
Not a chance.
Essentially erasing all history before them, and again, “giving CF the brand” essentially.
I feel that the positioning and the framework at least, were already created very nicely by CF & IOHK mostly, before McCann, not to mention our community (many of whom now work for the trinity, but they didn’t start there).
Right, our community? What about them? Absent, inconsequential. Ambassador volunteers transformed into “partners” from the ecosystem.
What about the fact that Cardano belongs to the world? To those who choose it, and contribute to it? Where is that in Cardano’s new Brand Identity? MIA.
So far what I’ve seen McCann “create” is just a new website design, but in this article it seems they give themselves a big role in Cardano’s future success already.
As a whole, I would rank this article as quite misinformative. My overall response being disappointment, and a sense of coming up against fundamental misunderstanding.
I’m not at all convinced how McMann can help the Cardano brand from their position.
I’m sure they could make Cradano successful like Coca Cola, but is that the type of successful we want to be? Is this “centralized”, patronizing, elitist voice the one we need?
So I’ll also take this chance to ask the “product’s” owners, The Cardano Community -
How can we help them understand? And how can we avoid brand damage if they can’t?
Or if you think I’m totally off base, let me know that .