Chasing The Wada Dream is the first short documentary movie ever made with the support of Project Catalyst on Cardano.
I’m proud to announce it has been selected to be a part of Nucast Film Festival - the first decentralized film festival ever on Cardano. Festival runs now - from March 12 to March 18.
How it works? Very simple. Learn below or in this thread with guiding images:
- You can purchase your ticket to the festival at – select FEST in the middle
- Connect your Cardano wallet and buy the ticket for 30 ada – the ticket is delivered to your wallet in the form of a nice NFT! The ticket will grant you access to all 10 short films!
- At website click to enter app. Simply hit watch now. It’ll require to verify your NFT. And that’s it, you’re in! Enjoy the selection
- And there’s more. After you’re done watching you can vote for an audience reward. 1 ticket = 1 vote. The award is in the hands of users - no jury.
- Nucast is the first decentralized film festival ever on Cardano. Don’t miss it.