First Film Festival on Cardano

Chasing The Wada Dream is the first short documentary movie ever made with the support of Project Catalyst on Cardano.

I’m proud to announce it has been selected to be a part of Nucast Film Festival - the first decentralized film festival ever on Cardano. Festival runs now - from March 12 to March 18.

How it works? Very simple. Learn below or in this thread with guiding images:

  1. You can purchase your ticket to the festival at – select FEST in the middle
  2. Connect your Cardano wallet and buy the ticket for 30 ada – the ticket is delivered to your wallet in the form of a nice NFT! The ticket will grant you access to all 10 short films!
  3. At website click to enter app. Simply hit watch now. It’ll require to verify your NFT. And that’s it, you’re in! Enjoy the selection
  4. And there’s more. After you’re done watching you can vote for an audience reward. 1 ticket = 1 vote. The award is in the hands of users - no jury.
  5. Nucast is the first decentralized film festival ever on Cardano. Don’t miss it.

Nucast Film Festival announced the successful completion of the unique decentralized event that brought together filmmakers and cinephiles from all around the globe! :earth_americas: :movie_camera:

The award for Best Short Film goes to “Chasing The Wada Dream” :trophy:
This documentary was supported by Project Catalyst.

Join us tomorrow Wednesday March 22 5PM UTC at the town hall to learn more about it.
In the after town hall break-out room we’ll be streaming the film. Everyone’s invited to the watch party :tada: and the discussion with the team behind this movie. :speaking_head:

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