Governance Protocol Parameters infographic series

The Governance Protocol Parameters infographic series are complete. It comes in 8 parts, usable in a powerpoint presentation for education purposes (if I ever get the chance to present it). Who knows…:sweat_smile:

So here it is:
Part 1 - DReps votes calculations and inactivity.

Part 2 - “dRepVotingThresholds”

Part 3 - SPOs votes calculations and Abstention.

Part 4 - “poolVotingThresholds”

Part 5 - Constitutional committee votes calculations and “committeeMinSize”

Part 6 - “govActionLifetime”

Part 7 - “committeeMaxTermLength” and “dRepActivity”

Part 8 - “dRepdeposit” and “govActionDeposit”

And here is the full governance protocol parameters map

I made these infographics also available on our website


Has there been any discussion on minimum participation for the various thresholds?

I rememeber this was one of the extra questions at the end of the threshold poll. Seems like a hard no for now?

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There is no minimum participation (quorum) for DReps or any other governance bodies.
To leverage that, if you do nothing, it will be calculate like a “passive No”.
If DReps behave like this for too long, they will eventually be inactive(be seen like an abstain vote) and will be marked as not participating in governance.

There is no expiry for inactive SPOs and CC-members, so their inaction will still always be calculated like a “passive No” vote. Unless they actively vote otherwise.