Peace be upon you, dear Lovelaces.
I’m an engineer student, hobbyist developer and designer from Malaysia.
I came to the world of web3, blockchain and cryptocurrency earlier this year in search of a new ecosystem that brings power to individuals who want to do good to the world with their passion. My main source of crypto knowledge has been Coin Bureau, and it’s also where I learned about Cardano. I’m very intrigued by Cardano’s focus on research-based development, which I think really stood out from the rest of the crowd. I believe blockchain innovation in its purest form has a higher purpose of bringing benefit for everyone in the world, not just for the money, which I can see from Mr. Hoskinson’s vision with Cardano. It is a pleasure an honour to be here and I’m looking forward to the development of this platform.
My niche has been in creative content creation. For starters, I have experience in running an edge node for the Theta streaming platform and building an art portfolio in the Creary network. I have a few year’s experience in developing games in Unity3D and front-end web development in HTML5. Recently, I’m getting to know the basics of Haskell to experiment in Cardano development. There’s still a long way to go but who knows, a creative platform native to Cardano?
My focus now as a student is continuing my research and waking up hoping to become a little better everyday, as quoted by Mr. Hoskinson.
Thank you for your time! May God bless the Cardano community and the philosophy it brings.
With love from Malaysia, smolpadok