Hackathon sponsorship

Hi all! I’m hosting a hackathon and want to have Cardano as a sponsor so that the devs participating build on the Cardano platform.

Didn’t know any better way to reach out than on this forum!

Any one I can get in touch with about this?


Nice to hear! Please get in touch with @ryanhe

It would be good if you could provide more information about the location, size, maybe links to previous Hackathons?

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Sounds interesting, can you share more details with us?

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Hey Ryan!

Looks like my last post got hidden.

But the details are that this will be a 48 virtual hackathon. I am inviting senior blockchain devs to participate with the goal of pushing the limits of blockchain and web3 tech to come up with solutions to human problems. The theme is “compassionate technology producing widespread economic and social value”.

Here’s a write up on the event: https://www.notion.so/festivallabs/Compassionate-Technology-Hackathon-48283d93a49240a69c769e79d2128e1f
And more info on me: https://www.notion.so/festivallabs/About-the-Organizer-44ad22354efc4eadbb9352e586f5ee6d

Hi Val, thanks for all the details, we will discuss this internally and get back to you.

Hey Ryan. We recently published our landing page here: hack.fstvl.io Any further thoughts on this from you all?

Hey Val, I’m interested in doing a hackathon on the cardano platform! Is your hackathon students only? or do you guys also have working professionals?