Hi - wanted to introduce myself here on the forums. I’m a former programmer (dev) and program manager at Microsoft and got into digital currencies via mining of Ethererum and BTC.
I’ve been looking for a ‘3.0’ digital currency that would resolve the scalability issues present in BTC/Ethereum and really happy to have found Cardano though wish I had found it sooner of course. I think it has the most well thought out architecture I’ve found and hope to get more involved with the project though I only code in C# now lol.
Look forward to meeting everyone here and since it’s New Years Eve here, Happy New Year!
Hello and welcome aboard MegaWind
The main thing is you’re here now and will be a part of the future Happy New Year
Hi @MegaWind and welcome to the forum oh and Happy New Year
Thanks for the welcome Hashed.bin and Doskad! Look forward to working with you and making this a great 2018 for all of us and Cardano!
Hi @MegaWind – fellow Seattleite here and new to Cardano as well. Happy new year.
Hi SwiftCloud!
Great to see another person from Seattle here! I just checked the meetup section to see if there was any type of Seattle meetup. Nothing yet but hopefully we could do one later this year if we get more Seattlites here.
Regardless great to meet you and Happy New Year!
Hello, I am close to Seattle, Maple Valley…however not a tech bone or node in my body. But I believe Cardano is going to do great things in the Future and I didn’t want to miss an early opportunity. Got in at .12$ and Holding.
Hi JustintoCryptos!
Great to see another local person here. I agree with you 100% regarding Cardano’s future. I just spent most of today watching additional whiteboard talks, and better understanding Ouroboros etc. and that has only further convinced me. I’m moving some ETH over to increase my ADA position.
Congrats on getting in at .12 - I got in at .58 - .64- what a difference a few weeks makes…regardless, might be a year or two but I suspect we’ll see significant appreciation in the future as Cardano moves from development to live rollout of an outstanding crypto architecture.
Hope you are doing well!
A Seattle-area meetup would be well received. Will attend; please keep me on the list.
Awesome, thanks ClearView for the interest!
Sounds like we have enough to make a meetup in March a possibility, and that might be good timing as I think we’ll see a lot of updates the next two months to talk about.
I’ll post a tentative meetup notice later this month so we can discuss and organize in the meetup forum.
Thanks again!
megawind gostei muito em considerar a ADA no nível 3.0 isso um futuro muito promisso
a companhia tem uma gama de profissionais 100% comprometida e isso é bom
um futuro promissor nos espera
Oi Marcos183, sim, eu concordo!
eu moro no rio de janeiro brasil e sou apaixonado por mudanças em tecnológicas mudei a minha visão de mercado ao conhecer o mercado digitais
I’m new here, from Seattle, former (and active) developer. Hi!
@MegaWind +1 from the area. Also a passionate Cardano follower. Great to see we are co-workers
Hi Agillesp & SuperAgent!
Thanks for posting and really happy to see so many local people involved with/interested in Cardano!
I really want to do this meetup but a bit of oddity was when I went to post about it in the ‘meetup forum’ here, found that it is locked…so it seems meetups are only done if officially sanctioned? I posted about it the only open thread in meetup and haven’t gotten a reply.
I’m going to a generic blockchain meetup this Thursday which will really be more for ETH/BTC, but I wanted to attend a local event and just see the process etc. before planning one for us (Cardano).
Anyway, I guess this thread will be the secret unofficial meetup thread for now with the official forum locked…but hopefully we’ll here something from IOHK and if not, I guess I’ll just make a new cardano group in the meetup.com site and invite/plan that way.
I’m doing some work now with some basic tools for Ada (address verifier which should be out for use/testing later this week as a basic tool) in order to get more knowledge of the explorer node.
Hope you are doing well!
Hello @MegaWind Sorry about the Meetup section being locked, that is now rectified! Sorry about that…
Please post away!
Hi, @MegaWind. Sorry I’m just seeing this again. I’ll get setup with the Meetup group and hopefully meet you in the near future. Thanks.