I want to integrate ada in my web-project and i want to run full node of ada. How can i do this? i downloaded the cardano gui wallet for windows from the official site i tried sending get request on this but didn’t got any response https://
when i changed https to http it gave me error, this server only recieves https request. What i am doing wrong?
i want to integrate ada in my website just like exchanges integrated it. Like binance. So initially i want to perform all the api methods on Testnet and then on mainnet using windows server. If v1 is not implemented and v0 is deprecated then how can i achieve it?
It does, as Daedalus frontend uses Restful API calls to retrieve data from the backend.
What data do you want to retrieve from Daedalus ( ur addresses)? In other case, I would recommend you to run a full node e.g. Explorer instead of using Daedalus.
@Omar_Hachami i sent a get request to which should give me info about accounts in wallet but i got could not get response? its like nothing is listening on that port? Did the deadalus gui wallet for windows(https:// daedaluswallet.io) process all api request?
@_ilap How can i run a full node, I actually want to run a full node but didn’t got any solution of how to run. so i found https:// daedaluswallet.io that link and thought may be it is the full node which will process all api calls like generating addresses, send transactions, accounts balances, info whatever a blockchain have.
i sent valid request according to the documentation too but didn’t got any reponse.
Let suppose in v0, to get list of accounts there is url to get response, when i hit that url i got nothing. i think there is some issue in running node!!.
Downloading Daedalus wallet from daedaluswallet.io and running the gui is equivalent to running full node? as my wallet is fully synced and i create a wallet using gui.
Daedalus is not using v1 API since it is not complete. But it currently supports all of the features needed for the exchanges. @zeshan_virk, the use case for the exchanges is probably similar to your use case so maybe this documentation would be of help for you:
Currently, there is no public testnet which you could use for the development of the integration. But there is “demo” mode available for the Cardano node which can be used for the development. It starts a local network with 4 nodes. You can follow readme from Daedalus repo to compile it and run it (./scripts/launch/demo-with-wallet-api.sh). There is also a key containing Ada for the demo network which can be imported as a wallet here https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/blob/develop/features/support/default-wallet.key.