I want to run full node of Cardano and want to interact with api v1. I downloaded daedalus wallet
which is synced, but when i try to hit the api using Postman, nothing happens.
here is the Wallet status
Here is postman call
If i change https to http
How to run and interact with a full node?
Hello! What Daedalus version are you running and what headers do you set for your request?
When you use curl
it requires to specify the Accept
header and charset and also to provide a valid certificate, otherwise it doesn’t work.
Postman works for me even with no headers or certificates:
Maybe you just need to update the Daedalus, V1 support was added very recently.
I’m using DAEDALUS0.9.1
Windows build 1.1.5813 , with Cardano 1.1.1
I’m sending these headers in postman
Accept:application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8
but not getting any response. How did you ran the node ?
I have only launched Daealus, it uses full-node and exposes the same API on localhost.
You should update to the latest Daedalus 0.10.1 (Cardano 1.2.1), or at least 0.10 (Cardano 1.2) - 1.1 did not support API V1 yet.
Upgraded to DAEDALUS 0.10.1
Windows build , with Cardano 1.2.1 /
Its fully synced, now trying to hit but no response again.
Try executing GET at first. I haven’t tried POSTs yet from Postman. It might require a certificate, not sure.
tried this but didn’t worked. How to pass certificate? How can i get one? is there already available in the wallet installation?
You need to disable ssl from postman: