How to view allocated blocks

yes - follow the cncli guide - and update us whether it is working or not…

Ok here is the output after installation

and the file it creates information

and if i call “next” in my command i get query shows no rows.

ok - so It is working…
so when you will have assigned block in the current epoch the assignedSlots array will be list the schedule - as post #9 shows

Thanks for the help!

So when it shows no blocks like this? Does this mean there is 0 chance of luck ?

Just trying to understand its matrix

yes, so in other words if the assignedSlots array is empty it means no block creation in the current epoch.

Does this mean the slots/blocks are assigned just before the epoch starts? And then you can know which block you are signed up for?

more exactly with 36 hours before new epoch

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OK just an update,

I have run leaderlog for next… This is my result.

It says active stake of 271k. Although i have like 471k this is the 2nd epoch, Does it know the live stake yet? or this is showing me it wont be live until 271.

Clearly no luck on a block for the next 5 days again lol.