How will Solidity smart contracts handle Cardano native tokens on the Cardano blockchain?

Are they compatible?
Or Solidity smart contracts can only handle ERC20 like and similar tokens.
If they are not directly compatible is there a walk around solution?

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I remember I read somewhere that KEVM smart contracts cannot use native tokens and the only workaround is to use plutus/marlowe

Then what is the point? There will be two parallel incompatible ecosystems on Cardano?
What about smart contracts written in other languages based on IELE?

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Just wondering:
What would be the equivalent of the Ether currency for KEVM contracts? Ada?
The goal of native tokens was to be able to handle them the some way as Ada.
So maybe there could be library extensions/changes for message objects, where “msg.value” is a dictionary instead of a single value what lists all the sent native currencies.
It would be cool if some Cardano team member could say something about this!

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+1 Some insight would be really useful