Hey Guys I got a nice Idea to support the Adoption of Cardano.

DAEDALUS OS is a Linux-based operating system for managing a CARDANO Node.

Detailed description of DAEDALUS OS

DAEDALUS OS is pre-installed on end devices and can also be obtained as an image.

Based on Linux, it offers a stable environment for operating a CARDANO Node. The Linux distribution has been designed for security and stability and unnecessary components have been removed.

How does it all work?

DAEDALUS OS offers an automatic, graphical setup assistant and is supplied with updates via a Github repository.

The end device is connected directly to the router via a network cable and can then be controlled via the web browser (for example via http: // localhost: 12345). The path is predefined in the operating system.

When the system is started for the first time, the user is asked to log in and can log in by default with “Admin” / “Admin”. After logging in, he can set his own password and the setup starts.

By default, root access is deactivated and the user works as a super user. The user is guided by the assistant and the system asks for all the necessary information. This is followed by the installation where the user just waits. After the installation is complete, the synchronization of the node begins.

The user now lands on a graphical dashboard, which is modeled on the DAEDALUS wallet and shows some details such as node status etc.

On the left in the menu, the user now has a “simple view” which only offers a dashboard, monitoring, wallet and settings.

Optionally, the “extended view” can be activated, which offers options for operating a stakepool and corresponding functions such as registering or retiring a pool.

What is the purpose of DAEDALUS OS?

Basically, DAEDALUS OS should give the opportunity to purchase finished hardware to support the CARDANO project and to support decentralization. The sense here is not to operate a “Stakepool” but to operate a “Node”. The normal use of the DAEDALUS WALLET is also possible and integrated via DAEDALUS OS. The OS should also be usable and understandable for casual users without a terminal - keyword: adoption rate

What do you think? I am unfortunately only a SPO but not a real developer so I can not do a proposal on catalyst but if someone ist interested in building such a thing I would be very happy to help and test.

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