I hold quite a lot of tokens and I’m not in fund of that to store it in an exchange. Also I’m not using malware ridden crap operating systems like micrh00f window$.
I still rather store my money (ADA) in a foreign exchange then ever touch that shitty system.
Please release the linux GUI wallet as soon as possible, next week would be great and make it 100% working on Debian, Ubuntu and Linux Mint.
Seem it is already largely working they just havent got the rpm / dpkg building in their CI and 3rd party repos and signing and all the other bits for distribution, maybe some manual dependency tracking to do, will have a go later
The Cardano SL node and the Daedalus nodejs front-end app have definitely worked on Linux. I’ve been using it though it requires understanding the software organization, how the pieces fit together, and running them more like a modern web application (with a backend API - i.e. the cardano-sl node and a client-side app in electron, i.e. Daedalus) than a “desktop app”.
Mac and Windows are more common and also technically more difficult to package for IMHO so it was good they focused there first.
There actually already exists a Docker container Nix recipe but I will have a Nix systemd recipe for the cardano-sl node and a Nix recipe for the Daedalus front-end this weekend. That is unless IOHK beats me to packaging first
EDIT: I also want to point out that these guys are moving really fast. They have good documentation but they are definitely lacking the bandwidth to keep it updated on master so you have to get your hands a little bit dirty.
Not mentioning easy to integrate with other tools, servers (imagine integrations for new exchanges, or even WEBSHOPS! to accept cardano as form of payment!).
Therefore, commandline interface or some well documented with working examples and unittests rpc interface (wscat , whatever…) would be really appreciated.
I can’t believe that everybody in this community is so money-hungry. You want us to pay for your rant?
After I clicked on that crappy steem site I got nowhere but the startpage where I had to put in my phone numer and email to sign up (surely they sell both for mass marketing). After that I was finally ready to read your post but:
“Thanks for confirming your email!After validating your sign
up request with us we’ll look it over for approval. As soon as your turn
is up and you’re approved, you’ll be sent a link to finalize your
Guys don’t go to that website. I guess even after that u have to pay to read an article like on good old EXPERT EXCHANGE
I think majority of us does not use NIXos, that install guide only talks about nix and it’s unfinished.
I note that Windows and Mac wallet version numbers have been updated from at https://daedaluswallet.io/#download. I hope Linux version arrives soon …
Yes please! I understand that some people have built it successfully for Ubuntu but come on man I shouldn’t be spending 3 hours to install your wallet on my Dell XPS