Interview - Cardano NFTs #049: Thesis & Dysmorphia

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Today’s guest on the Cardano NFT column aims to provide valuable insights into the rapidly evolving NFT ecosystem and publish the first-ever scientific study on the CNFT space: Thesis & Dysmorphia.

The previous guest was an art activism project and multimedia universe inspired by martial arts, gaming, cinema, 80s action, anime, and southeast Asian culture.

This initiative is a point of reference for NFTs on Cardano and every week or two we will invite someone to answer some questions and give us an update directly from within the Cardano community.

Hey, glad to have you here. Tell us what you can about yourselves. And why the choice to remain undoxxed?

Thesis & Dysmorphia is a women duo coming from Europe. By incorporating our IRL scientific and psychological skills with CNFT knowledge, we want to create something meaningful to leave behind ourselves.

In the space we go by the names Thesis and Dysmo.

First & foremost — undoxxed because we’re conducting a study. As long as the study is on, we will stay undoxxed. When the analysis for the study is done, we doxx.

The study is questioning people’s sentiment about our project. To make the study as unbiased as possible, and to be able to question people’s belief in the project of undoxxed founders, we decided to stay undoxxed for a period while the study is on. That way, we are sure that we don’t have “subjective” opinions based on people who knew us from before and solely on that would maybe give out “positive sentiment”. Also, we believe that if the project is built from ground up, completely organically, with pure “quality of the project” being the major deciding factor in people’s sentiment — we get a “cleaner” study in general.

That way — every change in sentiment is happening because of things related to the project itself, and not because they know who we are. Of course, one of the things we’re measuring is how people feel about us not being doxxed. In the end, it will be interesting to see how much that was a factor.

What is Thesis & Dysmorphia? How did the idea come about and why Cardano?

Thesis was on her way to PhD, and that inspired her to explore how to create an art NFT project consisting just of “smart words” which are often used in scientific papers. But, she was no artist and luckily she didn’t go further with it. Together with Dysmo, she came up with an idea of how to produce a scientific study in CNFT space, because they both had interest in knowing more about psychology and sociology of human behaviour in here.

Dysmo, on the other hand, was just having a bit of fun around that time — trying to paint some “dysmorphic creatures” on canvas. Thesis saw that and said: “This would make for good NFTs”. Since it was also not an option that Dysmo would create all the NFTs herself, she’s not an artist, the AI tools have come just around the best time. Dysmo started playing with them and created her Dysmorphic creatures with AI.

The aim of the whole story is to provide valuable insights into the rapidly evolving NFT ecosystem and publish the first-ever scientific study on the CNFT space.

We chose Cardano because Cardano was our “home” much before we decided to make this project.

What does the research process look like? What are you analyzing? Can you give us a sneak peak of what you’ve learned until now?

Our own NFT project (Dysmorphia) is the main object of the longitudinal part of the study throughout the whole one year research period, while other NFT projects, 46 of them, are being added in the 2nd Phase of the study called cross-sectional part.

So, in the longitudinal part, we’re collecting data during 1 year through:

  • recurring member surveys about their sentiment (17 surveys till now)
  • watching Twitter & Discord numbers movements related to catalyst events
  • market analysis

In the Cross-sectional research, projects were selected in order to showcase the diversity when it comes to categories, time of launch and goals. We’re highly thankful to all the founders and teams for recognizing the importance of bringing more knowledge to the space and welcoming us in their projects. The list of the projects, in alphabetical order, can be found on the graphic in our pinned Twitter post. With that collaboration we got 3 surveys: Holders/ General Public/ Founders sentiment and behaviour survey.

Regarding the sneak peeks, sorry it’s a no-no, for now :slightly_smiling_face:. But since September is approaching soon enough we’re planning to do some roundtables with some sneak peek data, stay tuned and we would highly appreciate you coming to those spaces also.

Tell us something about the NFTs you will mint. What will they contain and are there any holder benefits?

Our Dysmorphia collection is drawing a parallel between the real-life phenomenon of “Snapchat Dysmorphia” and the growing trend of using NFTs as profile pictures in the digital realm. But rather than using traditional filters or surgical procedures, we’re using AI technology to show you how this world could look like.

What if the trend of using NFTs as profile pictures might lead to a fascinating similar phenomenon where digital identity is shaped by NFT avatars?

Can you imagine a future where people seek cosmetic enhancements to resemble their favorite NFT characters? Black Mirrorish much? We find it intriguing enough :slightly_smiling_face:

​Currenly, the Dysmorphia mint is on, 1128/1500 minted so far. By minting or buying Dysmorphia NFTs on secondary, you are helping to bring the study come to life. By owning a Dysmorphia NFT, you gain exclusive benefits. When minting the main Thesis study collection in September 2023, Dysmorphia NFT holders will receive substantial pricing advantages.

Also, our high quality merch is connected with traits like hoodie, headphones, chef, hat, Bitcoin, Ada. Collecting them brings you the opportunity to participate in giveaways related to our unique limited edition merch collections. 7 Hoodies were delivered throughout the world already, and next items which are announced are: Headphones and Chef :slightly_smiling_face:

Great contribution. Any closing thoughts? Where can people learn more?

The Dysmorphia collection is a testament to the possibilities of NFTs, where art, science, and technology converge to create a captivating experience. So, embark on this extraordinary journey together with us, explore the Houses and Families, select your favourites, and join us on this transformative adventure with Dysmorphia Characters to our final goal, Thesis the study!

The mint of Thesis the study is in September, and by bringing this comprehensive study about NFTs, that was never done before on any blockchain, we hope to contribute to the development and growth of the NFT space and provide a tangible representation of the value of scientific research in the digital world. website

SMART is the NEW FOMO, or at least should be. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for this opportunity to present what we’re doing.

Disclaimer: The opinions and views of the people interviewed are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Cardano Foundation or IOG. Moreover, this content is for educational purposes, it doesn’t constitute financial advice.

Very informative, thanks for sharing the information and link.

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