Introducing "Charity Lounge Pool" - [CLP]

Namaste my friends.
My name is Matthias - Owner/Operator of the CLP Pool.
I’m an IT guy, dog-lover and a nature boy - mostly climbing mountains.

I joined the Crypto World late in December 2021. After a short time, the Cardano network and it’s community immediatly hooked me and I quickly realized that there was a chance to do GOOD things here.

[CLP] Charity Lounge Pool
0% Margin
30% Donations from Fixed Fees

PoolID: 4b9049b66d926ada722408b9beeaae9ef3d2ffe2377d9b17f6e078ef

Pledge is currently very low - will be also raised thru time and rewards from fixed fees.


Having adopted my little doggo as a puppy after she was abused, I would like to give something back to the world. A little help from everyone can give others great joy, just as I once gave my dog this joy.

I think running a stake pool is a great oppertunity to donate for non-profit organisations without spending someones money. All donations are done thru rewards.
Hopefully I can attract new delegators which willing to help supporting this project.
Happy staking :slight_smile: