Introducing MAML

Hey everyone this is Matt here and I’m just dropping in to say :wave:. I’m a dev and I first became interested in Cardano in the fall of 2018. I really love playing the guitar and have done so for the majority of my life. If anyone wants to jam hit me up :metal:t2::guitar:. I’m also recently married and have a young family of three. I love being a father and my role in nurturing our family’s little tribe :camping:.

Ticker: MAML
First Epoch: 226
Pledge: 1 million
Fixed: 340
Margin: 1.5%

Website: MAML | An independent, secure, and reliable stake pool with a high pledge.
Location: Northern Michigan, USA

Pool ID: 52887c69a0b24faafdfc31a623f05a7b703331bba3b528bd42f256f5

Pool infrastructure: 2 relays and 1 bp on Digital Ocean VPS’s, all running Ubuntu 20.04, bp node has 4 vcpu / 8 gb ram / 80 gb hd and the relays are each on their own vps with 2 vcpu / 4 gb ram / 80 gb hd

I’ve been doing development work since '05 and am using all the knowledge I’ve picked up along the way. I’m super cautious and make every attempt to follow best practices.

As a pool operator I hope to:

  • continue learning and growing with the network and hopefully, eventually, develop on it
  • share my knowledge with others in the community, help other spo’s, etc.
  • help secure my family’s financial future
  • educate others on why Cardano has the potential to play an important role in all of our collective futures
  • use social media to shine a spotlight on spo’s and help smaller operators grow into a sustainable position

I started curating a public list on twitter for spo’s. If you’re not on it and would like to be, please let me know and I’ll get you on there.

Thanks everyone for your time. Best of luck to all the independent, single-pool operators out there!