Hi all, maybe a bit late with my introduction but better late than never.
I am Michiel, 33 years old, running my pool from the Netherlands near Amsterdam.
Have been running a stake since the first ITN testnet, was hard in the beginning but learned a lot.
The Shelley nodes are a bit easier now.
Currently at 1,2M stake, hope we can make a block this/or next epoch
Look at my site at microstakepool, and follow me at Twitter at @MicroPool.
Happy staking all,
Congrats hope your pool is a success!
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Thank you, hope we get some stake soon and make blocks
Hoop dat je snel meer stake krijgt Michel, zou ook mooi en helpend daarbij zijn als er snel een block komt. Ik zit nu ff bij een ander maar blijf periodiek switchen tussen nederlandse pools draaiend op eigen ijzer.
I wish you luck and more stake michel, hopefully the first block one off these days. It would be beter if the sytsem sustained helped the pools with some less stake. I dont like all those big pools and the fact that a lot off spo have several pools
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Hoop het ook, heb nog familie met wat ADA om te staken maar dat staat op Ledger, dus nog even wachten op Yoroi
Thx for the support!