IOHK Summit lets organize a meetup!

Hey everyone. Who is going to Miami this month? Lets get a roll call of who is going. Love to get everyone together and hang out.

I’m still working on getting getting my wife to sign off on my attendance as it is the middle of a family vacation. Rising prices are helping my case though!


Hope your wife looks at the market today and lets you go…

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The odds are getting better by the minute! I’ll make my case tonight before the next dip happens!


I’ll be arriving down there on the Monday and staying through Friday. I’'d love to meet up with some of the community in Miami.

I’m staying in pretty close to the summit venue.


I’m already in Miami so I’ll be waiting for you guys. Count me in.

Did your proposal get approved?

Still negotiating!

I’m working on getting some work obligations moved around a bit to allow me to be down there for the week. If I can make it happen, I would love to catch up with everyone a day or two beforehand.