After upgrading to version 9.1.1 of the Cardano node, I am encountering issues with executing outbound transactions, specifically with incorrect fee calculations. The calculated fee is consistently lower than the required amount for submission, resulting in transaction failures.
I’ve reviewed a similar discussion regarding issues with claiming rewards, but in this case, the command syntax is slightly different. It seems that something in this version is preventing the exact fee calculation for standard transactions.
Has anyone else experienced this, or does anyone have insights on how to resolve this issue?
@adatainment@Zyroxa After posting this post, the user with the nickname andy_dev immediately responded, suggesting something suspicious. The user then quickly deleted the message to avoid detection. It is highly likely a scam. In conclusion, through Telegram, they sent me a link to a fraudulent support site: [URL removed by @Zyroxa]
By the way: That doesn’t help them. At least moderators can still see the message. And the thread appears on top of “Latest”, nevertheless, so we also see that something is happening there.
Since the fork, you have to build the raw transaction before calculating the fee with much more accurate dummy values because a few bytes in size difference make the fee quite different. I’m not aware of any changes to the parameters for simple transactions (only fees for scripts on reference inputs and the Plutus cost models were changed). So, I guess they made --calculate-min-fee more exact, saving some Lovelace for smaller transactions.
So, in building tx.tmp--tx-out $(cat payment.addr)+0 and --tx-out ${destinationAddress}+0 have to already contain numbers in the correct range instead of 0.
Not sure if your “TEST CASE”s mean you have tried that. They only work if ${txOutValue} has already been set to a realistic value. And they have to be done on the build-raw before the calculate-min-fee, not only on the one of the final transaction.
Thank you @HeptaSean , unfortunately no solution worked, considering I have done this operation hundreds of times something is not working properly on the fee calculation in a surgical way, what surprises me is that there are no other users who encounter the same problem. same issue for the claim reward resolved… with the correct command syntax, unfortunately I seem to be the only one talking about it Cannot Withdraw Rewards cardano-node 9.1.1 - #19 by stvoffutt . Thanks
Yes, it’s the same issue. @ADA_Money_Pool look at this solution to fix the problem. I have contacted Change Pool to update the Coincashew guide as well.
@HeptaSean@LatinStakePools Likewise I’ve requested that such instruction be included with the otherwise complete cardano-cli documentation on the Developer Portal:
I ran into the FeeTooSmallUTxO issue trying to re-register a pool. I’m using cardano-cli version Anyways, I ended up simply padding the fee and that was successful. The fee calculated at 187369 lovelaces, so I used 200000.