We have a very small amount of time to vote for the ITN continuation through July 29 2020 to continue issuing rewards.
This is crazy guy’s! We need more time to vote on issue’s and discuss and resolve little issue’s that might be found through discussion!
I am going to vote yes to continue the ITN and make it something that many people have idea’s for, reward the Pool ops that have hung in there through crazy times, and reward stakers that are all about supporting Cardano, yes take a new snapshot and allow more people to be involved and let the ITN protocol move forward.
But I only say yes cause I believe the Pool Ops and our community deserve it, I do not like that funds set aside for minting on mainnet are going to be used on a protocol that could go anywhere or controlled by a specific entity that developed it and this is unplanned! And even outside the idea of how to utilize governance through a formal method!
I am very unhappy that a proper CIP was not written to be voted on, kind of disgusted that the very roots of our voting process is going to be stained with an impromptu decision to keep this thing we all like around - the ITN, yes it is likely we are going to spend ada to prop up this decentralized chain (the ITN) that has no clear path forward on how it is going to benefit Cardano at all IT’S ALL JUST A GREAT IDEA!
How much ADA is going to be used to prop up this ITN? Do people even think about how minting is meant to work and the monetary process that is coming directly behind the closure of rewards on the ITN, is this how we are going to use the treasury?
We like this lets quickly vote on it and spend some funds!how often are we going to do this?
It is too bad that Cardano is going to get off on the wrong foot… whatever though right? The historical impact wont mean nothin to nobody, pretty easy to explain the community wanted it, I wanted it, some of you wanted it, where is this going?
I cant believe it is actually happening yet let me weigh in on why I vote yes a little more:
The CIP process could benefit from a sister chain to be sure the theory works that someone would like to see implemented on Cardano, this sister chain would make the barrier to developing on Cardano lower than if someone had to test elsewhere without a large community,there is much to be said about the ITN and the participation we have seen, most devs do not have such a community available to test a product on, good idea’s can be refined on the ITN before they are realized on Cardano.
Is our governance already hijacked? How did this happen? Rewards?
This tweet set me off, I like where they are coming from, I like they think critically, what are we doing? I know i am a part of the problem voting yes, but damn… what do you think the next vote will be about?