Latin America and Spain should also be part of the consensus

dear @CardanoCastellano, if you think the Stake Pool URIs would help, then please comment at the above thread for that CIP and tell all your “brothers in arms” to do the same. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s astonishing how long this proposal has been “in the works” without a single supportive comment or analysis from any other SPO… especially the ones who have complained most bitterly about stake centralisation.

Since SPOs (Hispanic or otherwise) aren’t insisting on this feature, they’re not getting it… the proposal for user-created delegation portfolios remains on “wish list” until further notice. Unfortunately, until we have documented popular demand for this feature, we’ll be expecting that notice to come from the Cardano development agencies who appear to benefit most from the stake centralisation.

A stake pool link protocol was proposed 2½ years ago and remains unimplemented… which means at the rate we’re going now, finally with official acknowledgement but little else, we might not expect community driven delegation until Cardano / ADA sinks or swims without it.

Now that the recent (2.4.0) Daedalus ranking adjustments are reported to have a stake aggregating rather than decentralising effect, a means of identifying pool collectives in support of user centric communities (Hispanic and many more) is the next most viable option. As I’ve written in the proposal itself, work can continue on this while everyone goes on bickering about the protocol parameters and ranking algorithms.

And about all issues above: we have been told outright that the escalation point for SPO complaints is through the IOG Marketing team. I’ll bet we would see some real progress if the forum contributors above, if not every one of Cardano’s 100 Hispanic SPOs, would directly contact the IOG Marketing representatives listed in this concluding comment, and present their demands for community stake pool links and a fairer system of pool ranking… :sunglasses: