Latin America and Spain should also be part of the consensus

thanks @CardanoCastellano, I’m happy for all our sakes that people are independently pushing for the stake pool link proposal, which I work on somehow every day. It might be half way through getting accepted, based on a very welcome private call this week with @SebastienGllmt at Emurgo, in which he requested delaying the multi-pool aspect of the proposal in the interest of getting single pool links implemented ASAP (along with Daedalus payment & address links).

I’m on Discord as rphair [COSD] and I haven’t sent the proposal to SPOCRA by that means, although I tweeted it via #SPOCRA on Twitter, and posted it on the SPOCRA forum a month ago, where it was generally ignored:

I have no real interest in, or currently any time for, social networking… but if/when a discussion on stake pool links emerges on Discord please let me know somehow so I can help the discussion along & answer any questions. I would like to get email notifications of a direct message or user name reference on Discord, but there’s no way to turn email notifications back on, so please contact me by Forum DM, Twitter DM, or email.

Personally I would rather see 100 personal requests from individually affected pools directly submitted to the relevant people at IOG Marketing, and whoever else might care how the stake centralisation is making Cardano look to the rest of the world, than support a single request through a union representative.

However the person they designated as the “concierge to the stake pools” (@benohanlon) hasn’t yet been responding to individual requests (of mine, at least) and seems mainly to be creating more opinion polls and such… it would be much more reassuring to see the marketing people posting on the forum in response to SPOs’ already urgently expressed opinions.

In the meantime, what Daedalus (2.4.0) did to the small stake pools was like something out of Game of Thrones … I am still trying to figure out if they’re really trying to kill off everybody but the pool conglomerates and usual favourites. So if I could get one honest answer from IOG to one single question today, it would be about the ranking devastation rather than the pool links.

Although the “blackout” itself seems more important now, it also makes the pool linking issue even more urgent than it already was. If practically all the small pools have been literally blacked out of Daedalus, we’ll need to provide delegation links directly via our web sites. So I would recommend to everyone:

1 - make a Github comment in this thread, indicating how/why/when you feel the single-pool stake links are urgent, in a place where the developers will be forced to look at it. Note this “pull request” is being edited down this week so it only includes single stake pool links, so those changes can ride in with the Daedalus payment link scheme in a related CIP, which will merge with this one:

2 - watch this forum thread, to be notified when a second pull request is created, some time after the merged CIP is accepted for the stake pool links, to include all the changes necessary to support multi-pool delegation portfolios… which will most likely depend upon protocol support for ratio staking and therefore may be a little further down the road (only Sebastien could say when)… and which will eventually address the need for community delegation portfolios as identified in the OP: