Looking for a developer who can help build an NFT marketplace, specifically for music

Hi everyone!

I’m an entrepreneur and early/long-time investor in Cardano (ADA). Having several very close connections in the music/entertainment industry, I’m confident we could build something pretty special here. But as an entrepreneur, not a developer, myself, I need some help. Please reach out if this sounds like something you might be interested in hearing more about.

Thanks for your time, and go ADA!

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Hi @beer_mula. Welcome!
Do you have a business model or idea how your project will/can use blockchain to benefit?

I recommend you submit your idea to https://cardano.ideascale.com/ so devs (like myself) and other entrepreneurs and experts can help you develop your concept and perhaps even get funding.

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Thanks for the reply. I do have a business plan setup and ready to go; funding won’t be much of a problem either. The biggest issue is that I am not a dev, myself, and the NFT marketplace needs building, before I can bring in business… That is why I hope I can team up with a small squad of devs, so we can work on the entire project together!


I’m not a Blockchain developer but have successfully deployed several enterprise grade iOS and Android apps (using react native) and am hoping to partner with dapp developers to bring them to mobile. I am obsessed with music (I own an independent record label) and have tons of ideas on how a Blockchain based music platform could revolutionize the industry. Maybe we can talk! reach out if you are interested or reply to my thread in this same subtopic. Awesome idea and great to meet you!

Hello @beer_mula

We have been working with Cardano NFT marketplace.

We can help you out with your MUSIC NFT MARKETPLACE as well.

have you already started working on it? also, do you need any developer support or anything else?

Would love more to hear about this and build a possible alliance.

Here is my email: dhruvalkamdar19@gmail.com
Telegram: @DhruvalK

With Best