The Chinese Cardano Community had initiated a series of community marketing plans, we had opened several Cardano’s columns in multiple online platforms, such as Wechat, Weibo, Zhihu and Toutiao. You can find some of the most recent updates, quality articles, translated blogs, and everything you need for the Cardano project.
The followings are our published platforms:
我们在微信公众号! We are at WECHAT! (ID: AccessDigital, CardanoFans)
我们在头条! We are at TOUTIAO! (ID: 米猴莉Mihori, 卡尔达诺爱好者)
All contents were created by the Cardano Chinese Community. If you have some passion to write about Cardano and some Cardano’s knowledge to share with the community, please don’t be shy and submit your writings in!
Mihori @ 2018