All I want to do is take my ADA from binance and transfer it to a Cardano Wallet to Stake it. I am not worried about keeping 100% in sync with the Cardano Blockchain yet I cannot see staking pools until I apparently wait for that to happen.
Is there any way to simply let users receive ADA and stake in a staking pool without waiting 2+ hours?
I saw that thanks. However, it appears that will require more waiting.
After Cardano Shelley hard-fork on the July 29th staking was introduced to Cardano. AdaLite will provide compatibility with the new Shelley address format and transactions. We also released the staking interface for main-net. Please report any bugs that you may find in our wallet. Follow our Telegram and Twitter to be informed about changes and release dates for hardware wallets support.
In order to stake, you need to transfer your funds from old Byron address format to new Shelley address format. Transaction that will do this automatically can be created easily from the staking interface.
I do not really understand what you are trying to say. It is already possible to stake via Adalite.
I see TY. Is there a way to download an offline version of ADALite? How would I continue to Use Adalite if the website goes down?
You can restore those wallets in any other Wallet like Daedalus.
I think I can restore my 15 words for my wallet. The issue is that if disappears, how would I restore my wallet? I think the advantage of myetherwallet was that I could save an offline copy of the webpage and send a transaction that way if push came to shove.
I’m not seeing such an option with adalite
As you see here : the keys are compatible with each other wallet. Means you can restore your seed in any of those wallets.
Ok wow @Zyroxa you are right. On Daedalus, there was a way to restore my 15 word phrase. However, I had to choose Yoroi even though I was trying to restore my Adalite wallet.
I’ll see if this wallet can sync with my Shelley Adalite wallet even though it says Byron only.
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