Need help, starting visual arts NFT platform, wanna have cardano NFTs

Hi everyone. My name is Juan Pablo, I’m working together with a team and we are ready to launch a curated NFT platform in September, everything is ready. We look forward to have Cardano smart contracts on our platform since day one, but we don’t know who to contact to talk about the tools that we need to bring them. I would find very helpful to talk with someone from de Cardano Team that could guide us. We think Cardano and this community is the future and we want our platform to be among the first visual arts NFT platforms to have this beautiful network.

No one can help me? :sweat_smile:

Hi Juan Pablo,
Yes, come to Gimbalabs playground*.
Everyone is busy building and with F6 proposals, still Playground is the place to be!

Where: on Discord, in the #conference-room voice channel. (I’ll have a Zoom link ready just in case we exceed 25 people)

When: 4pm UTC on Tuesdays

Who: everyone is welcome to participate actively or simply to listen

I suggest to first, send a discord message to James at jamesdunseith#3315 and/or Roberto at rcmorano [PEACE]#7121


thanks so much Juan, my name is Juan too hehe. Looking forward to show my programmers how they can add cardano smart contracts to our platform :slight_smile:

Check the forum my friend. help is in the way.