Need Help w/ Stakepool for the Incentivized Testnet

Hello. We have registered our stakepool for the incentivized testnet and our node is synching with the Shelley network.

Our block explorer listing is

Our pledge address is: addr1s42r90da3zmf9sw5hjvjpprrc7mnxql6664aka23zp83v6q8xap76490r4p

And our ticker is STKD.

We are listed in the Daedalus testnet wallet and have received delegations.

However, we are not listed in the Yoroi staking wallet.

2 questions:

  1. What should we do to confirm that we are properly setup and don’t need to take any further actions?
  2. Why aren’t we listed in the Yoroi staking wallet and how can we fix that?

Thanks in advance - Staked.

Category changed

if you could delegate - then I think the setup is correct - I did not do anything special with my node and it is listed in Yoroi - so hopefully your node will be listed soon.