There was a livestream yesterday on M:Tel BiH account on youtube, regarding a giveaway of x2 cardano if u send a minimum of 2500 ada.
[Link removed by @Zyroxa]
I wasn’t familiar with cardano and got baited into it, learned the lesson the hard way.
Is there anything I can do about it? Could M:tel be held liable for this? They are based in Bosnia.
Did anyone else fall for this recent scam?
Not really. Sadly such scams are common in this space and there is like nearly 0 chance to get your funds back.
I got baited into the same scam too , it was two days ago … the same live youTube video pretending to host the CEO with too many likes in the video (which i discovered they are all Bots and Fake, but after it is too late)… promising 2x ADA giveaway !
I hate that !!
this was the address of [Link deleted by @napoles] (a scam website) :
Report Report Report !!
I got scammed too. Now I am going to need psychological counseling. It was terrible how much money I lost. The website seemed so real, with a picture of Cardano’ founder and Cardano logo and everything. This is very depressing. Very depressing.
I’m so sorry to hear that, man. Other people on forums said that they lost 200k to these kind of scams. It’s heartbreaking, but the reality is people are getting robed everyday. This time it was our turn…
@Herman47 Sorry to hear that.
You should still report this to local police. In a future if anyone gets caught by authorities the only way to make a claim against them is to have a police report. It may not do much now, but it may help in a future.
You’ve been defrauded of your assets and in most of the countries wire fraud is a serious offence.
Make a report, document the details, notify involved organizations/ authorities in your country (such as a local or federal commissions)… After you contacted police notify YouTube and send them your police file number so they can refer any info to police if they have any (since they can’t release any private info to you). Also, try to blacklist that address that scammed you. There are sites like
I didn’t use them myself, but I heard of people saying it may help stop the funds once they get to exchange.
Doing all this may also help you deal with this issues as you will have a clear idea of actions that you can take and you will be able to have a clear cut-off to this event.
Nice to see these messages. to warn,
Interview footage with Michael Saylor, Charles Hoskinson and Vitalik Buterin are used in these livestreams
Since the beginning of 2021 I use to inform autorities and the C-level responsible managers
corporatesecretary@abc .xyz, investor-relations@abc. xyz, copyright@youtube .com, sundar@gmail .com, charles.hoskinson@iohk .io <charles.hoskinson@iohk .io>, info-de@microstrategy .com, dns_admin@microstrategy .com
CEO COO Alphabet responsible executives, share holders and stakeholders
Please send your experience to
globalsupport@ as well,
If there will be enough files, youtube / Alphabet will risk to lose the domain…
You will receive a ticket number from Icann
I had to use a space in every email adress (there is a limit of max 2 url’s to post comments in this forum)
good luck
Sorry to hear about all of the similar stories here, this is the unluckiest of support groups.
I know one thing, I’m never watching another “live stream” on YouTube again. Can’t be trusted!
I do and I always flag those that are fake. There is a fake solana nft giveaway. They make you submit your password seeds to a a fake wallet which will give away your assets to the scammers.
Be very careful, don’t download wallets from a site that ”offers” something. Also, If you search for a wallet like metamask or similar don’t click on ads. Just don’t. There are many rogue wallets out there and all they do is stealing
Why aren’t victims of these scams recompensed from the staking treasury, 10x millions of coins have been lost which should be burned. If you control the supply of an asset, it should be refunded to the original owners, the ledger proves who had it, and who stole it. Every other major company is happy to refund for lost or damaged transactions why should crypto be any different? It will never gain mass adoption without this feature!