No Processed TX's or Mempool TX's on BP, what should I be looking at for a cause?

Ok, my BP IP is in /opt/cardano/cnode/files/topology.json

Not in $NODE_HOME/${NODE_CONFIG}-topology.json

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So restart the relay and check your BP node status, done

Restarted, still waiting for BP to show TX’s ;/

Also checked topology.json on the BP and saw this:
{ “resultcode”: “402”, “datetime”:“2021-04-13 17:35:43”, “clientIp”: “xx.xx.xx.xx”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “IP is not (yet) allowed to fetch this list”, “Producers”: [ { “addr”: "relays-new.cardano-mainnet.ioh$

at the beginning of the logs of the relay you need to find a line which tells what IP address will connect to…IPSubscriptionTarget
IPSubscriptionTarget {ispIps = []
can you see your BP node address there?

btw - for BP node it is not a good practice to run the topologyUpdater

I think you should modify the relay topology file with the basic setup for testing…so add this to your relay topology file and restart it

"Producers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 3001,
"valency": 2
"addr": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
"port": 6000,
"valency": 1

first entry is the IOHK address, 2nd is your BP node

Sorry to ask a newbie question, where would I find the logs to locate IPSubscriptionTarget?

Another newbie question, adding those test entries to the relay topology file. Which one? NODE_HOME/{NODE_CONFIG}-topology.json or /opt/cardano/cnode/files/topology.json ?

I wasn’t aware I ran ./ on my BP - when or how did I do that or rather what tells you I may have?

There are should not be two topology file…
so /opt/cardano/cnode/files/topology.json

Oh, ok - so I should ignore mainnet-topology.json and focus on topology.json?

this line tells that you executed topologyUpdater on BP tpology.json file. The content of the BP topology should be this:

      "Producers": [
              "addr": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
              "port": 6000,
              "valency": 1

which is the relay address

There is a mess here
That was the output of the relay service status, when restarted
as you can see the used topology file was the mainnet-topology.json
can you confirm?
I this case the topologyUpdater points to the wrong topology file…
but first just update the /home/xxxxx/cardano-my-node/mainnet-topology.json with the info I provided previously and restart the relay… so ignore the topologyUpdater…

Ah boy, someone really needs to come up with a service where guys like you and Alex can remotely log in and do what needs to be done. I mean I get it, there is huge value in doing it myself from the drivers seat, but at what point do I become a liability in the drivers seat and need a designated driver? Lol. Maybe Cardano could tag folks with “Cardano Trusted” to make it easier for folks like me to trust someone to remotely execute solutions.

So don’t newbie hate when I ask this, but which env? /cardano-my-node/env or /opt/cardano/cnode/files/env

yes… I was thinking the same, that at this point a zoom or hangout would be more effective:)
so just ignore the env - seems you have doubled your files… and have two folders for a relay node…
so update the /home/xxxxx/cardano-my-node/mainnet-topology.json

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Remote support is definitely the way to go when the driver (me) becomes a liability. I appreciate your time and effort and of course you logging in remotely over Teams and taking control of the keyboard so you could do what you needed to do. I’m sure it was a relief to you also!

I’m all set, BP and RelayNode1 are running like champs!

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