No reward in my wallet after mint first block

Hello guys, good morning.
In epoch 459, I minted my block. This morning, when I went to check the rewards, I saw through cexplorer that no rewards were assigned to me, neither the 170 ADA or the return of the staked ADA.
Only the delegators were paid. Can someone tell me why? It’s been almost a year of work before this block, and not having even the rewards is really hard.

I have a second wallet as a reward, from which I would have created a transaction that would have divided the 170 ADA into three parts, between myself, the xspo, and f2lb. But the wallet appears empty without any transactions.

Empty reward wallet

On poolTool says that i get the 170 fee and reward, but i can’t see nothing

What i’m doing wrong?

You clearly did receive the rewards, the question is, which address have you used as the reward address when you configured your stakepool?

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i’m 100% sure that the adress was correct, i check again from BP and it show the same address that i have put first time.
i only notice from cntools on bp that i never registered the reward wallet
could this be the problem?

His pool’s rewards address is not registered, the rewards were lost.


Yep i see… pass 8 months on check that everything is okay and i missed this… can’t believe… thanks for the reply…

Do they go to the treasury in this case? Or back to the reserve?

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