I had one of those pre best practice setups where the relays were on the same server as the block producing node. I recently split everything up so now the block producing node is on it’s own server, and both relays are on their own independent servers. I have everything all linked up and working fine, no issues there that I am able to see* so as of yet.
I updated the yml with the appropriate targets. Made sure everything is matching in the config.json’s. I am trying to run prometheus from the 2nd relay node. The block producing node and relay node 1 both have node-exporter running.
Expected result: See the node and both relays the same as I did pre server swapperooo.
Actual result: It shows the old setup plus the relay 2 three times. (I did try changing the alias of the relay, not sure if that has something to do with it showing multiple times if this is a caching issue.) Could this be a caching issue? Is there a clear cache button hidden somewhere I am not seeing?
Anyone ran into this or similar issue before? Any thoughts or assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I know I can get these all running on their own independent graphana / prometheus setups but I feel like I should be able to tie these all together to see them in one chart like I did before.