I’m experiencing an issue after updating my nodes to the latest version 1.29 and finishing the Prometheus and Grafana installation. Both my relays worked before the update but then went offline friday night and wont stay live. The Producer is also stuck at 100% sync and nodes will only stay synced for a minute or two.
CoinCashew guide (Finished, 16)
not using cntools
DigitalOcean 3 relays all (8gb / 4 intel cpu / 160 gb)
You will need to increase to 10G of RAM, cancel one relay and upgrade the other 2 to 12G(I know digital ocean has high prices)… or use contabo for relays… so cheap and has 3 data centers around the world
Oh no i really like the price difference! thank you for bringing this to my attention! Is it possible you can tell me how to move the relays or send me in the right direction?
Now… to solve the issue for the moment… for your relays… go to configuration file and set to false the TraceMempool… it will use only 4G but u will not see the tx processed anymore
Hey guys,
Sorry to start this conversation again, but after the transition of epochs, my BP node is stuck on starting and 1 relay node is starting aswell with 3/2 peers. I know it must be out of sync and tried restarting chrony.
But the relay that is working is not connecting to the BP even tho the inbound/outbound firewalls are connected, topology files are correct.
I will try restarting them after work and will troubleshoot if I can. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
The upgrade to the 16gb fixed the node, both producer and node are synced and running! I didnt resize and start the 2nd node as Im going to start the new nodes with contabo. @Alexd1985 you have been amazing (again) different issues same solution , please let me know what i can do to show my appreciation?! Thank you again.
Did u restarted the BP after u added the relay IP inside the topology updater?
Did u opened in ufw (relay) the 6000 port to allow connections from any?
sudo ufw status
U need to add the line (in case u missed)
sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 6000
Ok, u will need to use the ufw for contabo servers (perhaps for the other servers u have another firewall)… before to activate the ufw add a rule for the ssh port to not lose the connection… also perform a snapshot before to activate the ufw, just in case