Help with this Pool statistic please?

Hi, I’ve been finally having time to customize my dash in grafana, up until now I was using Charity’s one (Thanks Alex again). Today I saw this

I havn’t touched this one yet and I’m pretty sure it was never this much difference, so far we have minted out 3 assigned blocks, last two at the very beggining of this epoch, but I’m worried.

The other thing is that my second relay is not showing up, in that stat is not present, but in this other one it is

And here is one where it is and below anotherone where it’s not.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Remember that the relay is auto restarting at each 24 hours (that’s why the difference)

For the 2nd Relay check if u added the relay in prometheus.yml file


It is, what’s interesting is that when it uses the job ‘cardano’ it only seems to find one Relay, and when it uses the job ‘node’ it finds the Relay2 (check my last picture in the first post, in job ‘cardano’ BP’s alias is ‘ProducER’ and in job ‘node’ BPs alias is ‘ProducTOR’ I did that to distinguish them since I didn’t fully understood why I had two jobs so similar)

Did not know about the 24 hours resets, that’s by default/dessign?

Yes, for relays is recommended to restart at each 24 hours (deployed by topology updater)

I didn’t did like this…

Here is my config

# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  - job_name: 'BP_cnode'
    - targets: ['PRODUCER_IP:12798']
        instance: "Producer"
  - job_name: 'BP_node_exporter'
    - targets: ['PRODUCER_IP:9091']
        instance: "Producer"
  - job_name: 'Relay1_cnode'
    - targets: ['RELAY_1_NODE_EXPORTER_IP:12798']
        instance: "Relay1"
  - job_name: 'Relay1_node_exporter'
    - targets: ['RELAY_1_NODE_EXPORTER_IP:9091']
        instance: "Relay1"
  - job_name: 'Relay2_cnode'
    - targets: ['']
        instance: "Relay2"
  - job_name: 'Relay2_nexporter'
    - targets: ['']
        instance: "Relay2"

Relay 2 is the node where grafana is installed
And on grafana u will need to use instance ( legend field)

Sry Alex, I got suddenly swamped by work, I’ll check your answer ASAP, I had it just like that since I followed every guide you published/linked, but I had trouble understanding how Prometheus<->Grafana worked and since a lot of imported dashboards used this other method of grouping all in 2 Jobs and using Aliases I decided to try it that way.
I’ll check it and get back to you, Thanks!!

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