Node stuck on starting

Hi all,

One of the nodes I upgraded seems to be stuck on starting. I can’t seem to figure out what is wrong with or how to resolve the issue without reinstalling the whole node.

This is what I have tried so far:

  1. Check the config.json (it is the same as other working nodes that I operate)
  2. Check the topology.json (no syntax errors and the node connects to peers)
  3. Remove the db (the immutable folder goes no further than the 00000. files)
  4. Stop and start the node, not restart.
  5. Check after ~1 hour (the memory is not increasing it seems)


  1. Check the logs (EKG and stale socket but no major issues it seems?)


Could someone help me resolve this issue? I would like to understand the reason it is stuck on starting and how to fix it - over resetting the server.

Help is much appreciated!

If you dont get a reply here, feel free to ask in the TG channel which is abit more active when it comes about stakepools.

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Can you check the journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow and see what it happening? If you have upgrade to 8.12.2, then it requires a replay, which will take a long time, so it might be just working through that.

Thanks for the suggestions Zyroxa and Jeremyisme. When I check the journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow I get the following:

cardano-node.service: Service has no ExecStart=, ExecStop=, or SuccessAction=. Refusing.

Not sure if it matters now but normally I check the cnode logs.

It was an error in the Topology.json. Weird!