Not getting transactions on block producer (CNTOOLS)

Now it’s perfect… now what I ask you… because u copied the files from bkp … go to cntools - pool - rotate … perform this step 3-4 times then restart the Producer

  • I had an issue in the past … when I used old files from bkp…

what do you mean rotate? kes key?

Exactly… the kes keys

Okay i have rotated once already, but ill do as you say

should i rotate, rotate, rotate or rotate, restart, rotate, restart?

Thanks, now restart the Producer… everything is fine… you will need to install chrony and I think this is it with the producer …

Tomorrow for the relay… run the

After that copy the binari files from /.cabal.bin + the DB and it should work

You can restart the producer, it’s enough now :slight_smile:

This was my isuue

i remember you talking about it on twitter hopefully dont have that problem

Nope, if u rotated 3-4 times is fine :muscle:

yes i rotated 4 times and restarted, so much easier than air gapped i always dreaded rotating or updating pool

Yeah, I am using cntools since day1 :))

Now u can encrypt the pool/wallet files if u want
it will encrypt only the 3 cold keys files and the payment.skey and the stake.skey
U can use the producer as a air gapped machine… just disconnected from the network :)) but anyway ur funds are insinde the hw wallet so… should not be a concern anymore

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hmmmm yeah illl have to figure out how to do that , take it off the internet that is, and connect when i want to update linux. i plan to add clone zilla and clone it though tomorrow

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found it

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Check if this rule is applies also for ingress … the traffic coming from outside should be blocked for the producer

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thats why i havent had pledge because i was stressed everyday about it even though i was super secure . and im holding like 3K ada of other ppls ada they are letting me hold, i need about 1800 to get to 10K or about 5 blocks >.> which could take a year, we will see.

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If u will receive the IOG delegation will be faster :wink:


Keep port 6000 opened

yeah it seems it would block my relay