Hi Guys/Gals,
Edit: simplified post!
No Transactions on My Block Producer.
Moved Node from a Google Cloud VM to a Dell Server on my Local Network.
I am using Ubuntu 20.4 Server as its base with Virtual Box installed with the Cardano Node on Ubuntu 20.4 Server also.
I am using Bridged Network and can ping other VMs on the same Virtual Box Successfully using Telnet.
Node is Synched Registered etc. I can’t open port 3001 it seems locked down - Its Port Forwarded on my hub and UFW Enabled in the VM - but yougetsignal says " Port [3001] is closed".
My Relay 6000 is open and can be seen in yougetsignal and Pool,vet
Is it worth trying NAT instead of Bridged?
I am also using the Topologyupdater.sh Script - the last log was:
{ “resultcode” : “403” , “datetime” : "2021-04-17 20 : 17 : 14" , “clientIp” : “'my IP”" , “iptype” : 4 , “msg” : "glad you want to stay with us , but please check and enable your IP : port reachability" **}
Thanks in Advance.
Best Regards
Crypto Hoard
Ok, the Producer is synced?
And do not use topology updater on Producer.
Can u paste the glive output?
As u can see the port is closed… u will need to configure a port forwarding in the local router
Hi Alex, thank you for getting back in touch, really appreciate you time.
Yep Producer is Synced. (Please see attached)
I am using SimpleLiveView - Here is Screen Shot.
Yep Port 3001 says its closed on Port Checker. Additional info here:
TopologyUpdater - Last Log: esultcode" : “403” , “datetime” : "2021-04-18 19 : 22 : 29" , “clientIp” : “” , “iptype” : 4 , “msg” : "glad you want to stay with us , but please check and enable your IP : port reachability" }
Port Forwarding 3001 is Enabled in Router
UFW Displays:
To Action From
3001 ALLOW
The Internal IP I am using is also allowed for the VM on Virtual Box .
Hope that helps?
So, the topology updater log is for Producer or Relay?
I see the Producer has 2 PEERS IN/OUT
Your right at the moment I have this VM running a producer and a Relay on the same machine but with different " hasPrometheus" ports in Mainnet-config.
But… I have a few relays spare that are synched on other VM’s I could use - I would just need to re-register.
What you think?
Nope! So it seems it may be a common problem? They are all on Virtual Box
As long the Relays doesn’t have TX, u will not see TX in Producer
The Relays, have IN PEERS?
Now, I’m assuming that u connected the Producer to Relays via private network right?
In this case u will need only one portforward configured on the local roter (the cnode port for relay/relays)
:Now, I’m assuming that u connected the Producer to Relays via private network right?:
I did, using a Bridged Network.
In this case u will need only one portforward configured on the local roter (the cnode port for relay/relays)
Yep this is complete
And the connection Producer - Relays and Relays - Producer is fine… u can see all nodes connected…
Now u must chec:
- if the cnode port for relays is opened from the outside and accepts connections from other public nodes, if no then:
- check the FW or ufw from server … it should be configured to allow connections from any
- I don’t know how bridge is working but u can try for test with portfowarding
- if the cnode port for relays is opened from the outside and accepts connections from other public nodes, if no then:
This is the wierd thing - port forwarding for the relay port is forwarded in router - UFW says allow from anywhere but yougetsignal says its blocked!
- check the FW or ufw from server … it should be configured to allow connections from any
Confirmed this is “Anywhere”
- I don’t know how bridge is working but u can try for test with portfowarding
I did a Telnet (telnet my “internal ip” “6000” and received
“telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host”
Can ufw and IP tables conflict?
U must check what IP has the nodes
And for that IP u will need to create portforward… that’s why I said I don’t know how bridge works… it’s sounds more like a l2 function
Yep the Port Forward is going to the correct IP - I agree L2 Function.
When I first took the node off the cloud and just used the local server without a VM (Just installed Ubuntu 20.4) it worked fine. I was just trying to be clever and have the option to scale up in the future by using the up resources of the server by using Virtual Box as what I have was an overkill for it.
Seems to some underlying issue I need to resolve.
I won’t take up anymore of your time, I have read all your other posts on the forum and I think you do a brilliant Job supporting everyone, and I have learnt some great tips from you. I will let you know the outcome when its resolved, or I just spin up my cloud vm again to save the all this hassle!!!
Thanks again Alex
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Thank u;
For u is simple… everything is working but something is blocking the cnode ports for Relays… when u will fix this it will work
Thanks Alex, fingers crossed…all the best
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