Notice: update to 1.26.2 before next epoch boundary

Hi friends, just a reminder for all SPOs: we are supposed to update at least the BP to 1.26.2 before next epoch begins (tomorrow).
Some of the update phases are a little long, so take your time and don’t do it at the last second.

So this is basically a recommendation from IOHK, more details here:

The only part that takes some time is building the downloaded sources. after that just restart node and you are set.

For those who go from 1.25.1 to 1.26.2 the first db synchronization will take some additional time.

The Docker images for x86_64 and arm64 have been released too.

is this an official docker image?
Update: just found the official docker repository for cardano-node

this info actually is mentioned in on the release page